[@Yidhra] [b]Asura[/b] Asura turned to look back at the city for a moment realizing that it really was dump. "Honestly I was trying to get to another part of this planet, if you have a faster way than swimming though I would be willing to hear you out." Asura said as he finished cracking his knuckles. He hadn't really planned on punching this man, though he was annoyed that this man didn't introduce himself, not even giving his name. "Course I'm gonna need a name too." Asura said looking down at him, he was calm but just being near Asura would allow anyone to feel enough tension around him. Asura was ready to get angry if he needed to. [u] [/u] [@Gummi Bunnies][@Absolis] [b]Cia[/b] Cia was about to get involved in the fight herself, but she stopped herself before she could. She knew that if she did she would chance hitting her comrades with her acidic attack ink. She hadn't changed it into acidic yet so it was still not going to harm anyone. She pointed her gun at the ground however and made a puddle of ink. She also shot a bit in front of her. After this she changed into squid form and hid in the ink. If she had a chance she would attack, but for now she could care less, though she was ready to move to another part of her ink path if the red headed boy decided to attack. Though she wished she would know her comrades names. (seriously you guys need to introduce yourselves)