[@Izuriel Steam] don't forget this is all very long after the fall. Life is good but work is hard and the trainers sadly don't get many holidays. This is no apocalypse anymore. People live in real houses with electricty and plumbing, and lots of other amenities. Eveything is just done safer for the enviroment. Solar and wind are huge. Even some pokemon power is used. Electric types with donate a bit of power here and there. Fire types heat steam generators. All done in short safe amounts its a healthy discharge of energy which we then harness. Now I'll try to be more cleae about your pokemon. You receive whatever pokemon your character and the silver trainet caught. You would only catch a pokemon you want.catching wild pokemon is done by proving worth. You show that you are strong and can help them be strong or you might show that you can help and care for them or you might best them in witts showing you can teach them. An oak trainer could only do this with little pokemon. The silver is there as back up and guidance. Pokeballs work off the radiant aura energy of pokemon and are totally normal. Crafted with apricorns and modern tech pokeballs are still key. They do not imprison pokemon, but rather just hold those who accept the trainer.