Shad's rapid vertical stroll came to an abrupt halt barely halfway up the office high-rise. He kicked off from the glass-and-concrete wall and lay there suspended, floating, staring at the pale-haired boy with some measure of incredulity as the world burned in iris blue below his back. [color=a36209]"No chill at all, huh?"[/color] he commented aggressively as Josh raced upwards before him. [color=a36209]"Do you not [i]want[/i] to act quietly? Does peace offend you?"[/color] It was clear that it did, and he didn't; but the notion took Shadrach some time to process. He wasn't fond of rowdy people, even when he understood them. Floating in midair was easy, but the feeling didn't appeal to Shadrach. He wanted to feel grounded, but he refused to go back down, and didn't want to return to the building Josh was climbing. Someone powerful was playing in the mess he had left, fuelling life into the fire and watching the resultant angels fight each other. The eyes on Shadrach's body spotted chunks of trees imbedded in the earthy one. Their screams and roars were bizarrely out of place in the street. [color=a36209][i]Ross is still in there somewhere. I don't think he followed us... Either way, I'm not fetching him. I need to build my own ground to stand on.[/i][/color] And that he did. Reaching into the structure of the building with his newfound perception, he tore it open into a toothy triangular maw, using the steel bar and concrete residue to build a jagged tongue extending from the mouth of the block into the air for himself to stand on. He spoke without turning to face Josh. [color=a36209]"If you're going to stargaze, do it. If you're going to break shit, do it somewhere else."[/color] He stopped talking, and the three-jawed mouth of the building rumbled for a moment, then vomited a hefty wave of snow and crumbling dry-ice onto the quarrelling behemoths below. Not nearly enough to extinguish the blazing one; Shad didn't have time to do it properly. But the fire would stop spreading. And maybe that would calm down whoever was down there. [color=a36209]"...I'm gonna go do my own thing a while,"[/color] mumbled Shadrach, feeling a little overwhelmed. Below him, the ruinous tongue tensed and flew forwards, growing longer and longer and carrying him with it as it went. Some two hundred metres away its growth paused and it flicked him upwards onto the extendable roof of an empty sports arena before collapsing, lifeless, into chunks of glass and cement in the street. [color=a36209][i]Everyone's breaking things, or just making things that break one another.[/i][/color] He sighed, closing some of his eyes. [color=a36209][i]That's all anyone ever did for all of history. Even now. Even when we have a chance to make something great. Someone made a forest out there before Josh set it ablaze, a forest![/i][/color] Shadrach remembered something his father had showed him how to do, long ago, by stitching a fabric with threads in straight lines positioned just so, until they formed a curve between them. It was soothing, and though he'd never taken an interest in embroidery after that, Shad felt like it was a good time to start. He closed his palms, and then opened them again, opened them until the flesh split to reveal tightly wound bundles of glowing threads in pastel colours, yellow and pink and cyan. Throwing himself from the roof and into the abandoned green of the arena, the glittering threads trailed after him, dividing and spreading and covering the rows of benches in close parallel streaks of light. [color=a36209][i]Let's make something calming.[/i][/color] [@darkwolf687][@20aliens][@Vocab]