Adam smiled at Adriana. “Your skills Lady Adriana? No. I think not. Your company however is always welcome. I would suggest that within Lady Isabau's home you be quite subtle about your actions. The particulars I will, of course, leave to you. I expect to leave at half past the noon hour if that is agreeable.” He then nodded at Johanna. “That sounds most excellent. I had hoped you would consider it. I will provide transportation to the edge of the city where a guide will meet you and you will need to proceed on foot. I trust you will outfit yourself with whatever you need for such a journey, the storehouses are at your disposal. I would also suggest you prepare in case things go awry. It is my sincere hope that they won't, but I am a firm believer in an overabundance of preparedness.” He looked about to go on when Roger appeared in the doorway looking slightly worse for the wear. Nevertheless Adam was inwardly pleased to see him. The man's skills would allow him to excel at whatever he chose to do; and he hoped this time he would choose to help the society's investigations. “Monsieur Martin” he said with a welcoming tone. “I had just about given up on you. I see your hunt was successful, that bodes well.” He didn't explain that statement, just gestured at the laden table. “Help yourself and I shall endeavor to catch you up on what you have missed.” He took a few moments to briefly outline the problems, but he kept it short. He trusted Roger could read the files to find out whatever else he needed to know if he decided to go with it. But before he could get an answer from Roger another interruption happened upon them as Aleksandra Volkov almost literally stumbled into the dining room. Adam watched the her steadily for a moment; his mismatched eyes unblinking as he gauged her. She had been at study again which was not uncommon. He guessed without food or water for a bit, also not an uncommon habit for her. What bothered him was that he had forgotten about her when he was weighing options for the issues now on the table. Her skill with weapons would certainly come in handy; she was also incredibly tenacious. Something that would likely be useful. “I hadn't thought of you” he said muttering to himself then raised his voice. “Come in Ms. Volkov” he said, speaking also in English for her benefit. He was glad he had bothered to learn a plethora of languages; it seemed the society was picking up members from across the world. One day maybe they would even have an American. “I believe your skills could be quite useful in the situations we are discussing; won't you join us? I will run over the cases at hand while you replenish yourself. These are issues that have come to my attention as potential situations best handled by the Society; perhaps you might consent to aid us in investigating one of them.” Adam then proceeded to give the condensed version again; thankful he had the foresight to actually generate proper folders of the details for the others to look over at leisure. He hoped to leave to have all of them underway by half past noon but if they kept trickling in like this it might be problematic. He began to reformulate his plans in his mind as he talked. NOTES FOR REFERENCE: Group A--Visit Lady Isabau. Adam, Adriana Group B--Rabid Bear in the Woods. Johanna Group C--Missing Men.