[u][h1]Wepwawet- Seattle, WA[/h1][/u] Deciding to keep going, Kasim worked his way floor by floor up the building, being cautious with each room he entered not knowing if there were other scavengers that were inside who could be hostile. Most of the building seemed to of been ransacked with little to offer but something drew him further up into the building. He was just getting to the fifth floor when he heard noise once more. Unsure who or what it could be he hid in the first room on the floor looking down the hallway after a few seconds to catch a glimpse of who or what made the noise. Looking he saw nothing leaving him to wait and hopefully try and hear the sound again or ponder if he was hearing things. [u][h1]Lyssa/Mania- Chicago, IL[/h1][/u] Scorn kept up with the cat as best she could be it seemed whenever she got to close it got an extra burst of speed. She was focused so much on the task at hand she nearly ran right over the person that now stood in her way. She skidded to a halt and stopped only a few feet in front of the other person, her mind debating on what to do with this new 'friend' she had just found. She could just be done and quickly have her fun but something about this person made her think otherwise on that oddly. Internally she fought with the voices in her head, some said kill other said befriend. Eventually befriend won out and she gave a twisted smile to the new person in front of her as she heard them speak. "Me? Oh I'm the lovely Scorn," she said giving an exaggerated bow ",Pleasure to meet you, um?" she said extending a hand, first the one that was still covered in blood. She quickly switched hands hiding that one behind her back giving a fake smile of innocence. "Sorry about the mess but these few guys were going to do some unsavory things so it was in self defense," she said sweetly ",But enough about me what about you? Who are you and what fun have you had in this apocalyptic play-land? Oh by the way did you see a cat, shot by here a few seconds ago? Just wanted to pet it but it just ran off." She shot off a question a mile a minute, looking over the other person to see if she could catch a glimpse of the cat. "Hey why not stick together, after all very few friendly people about here from what I've seen," Scorn suggested before even letting the poor woman who stood before her to reply to her other many questions.