[h1][u]Poseidon[/u][/h1] The screech came again, and this time it was much louder than it was a few blocks away. A wave of dread and a sense of fear entered Ben's body, causing him to land on all fours from behind the car. It was something that felt familiar before. The thought of becoming, drifting in the darkness while everything else moved ahead of you... It was an intense feeling, and one he didn't want to visit again. He came back to the sound of a deep voice... And by the fact that he was still alive, he assumed that the thieves never found him, or didn't have a chance to. Peering over the car he saw a man state his authority, declaring judgement and killing two of the three remaining hostiles. When the last one ran away from the crowd, Ben slowly rose from his cover spot, looking at the two men. Both obviously had the skills to easily kill one another, but for some reason... They didn't. Maybe it was because they all showed a bit of uncertainty, and that they knew what each other were going through. Ben walked over to the two other men, one cuddling a German Shepard and the other paying respects to an empty grave and tombstone. Ben saw no threat from either of them, and as the two talked, Ben couldn't help but look more over to the one at the grave. He definitely had the more interesting trait, almost as if he remembered it before. It was something that he should have feared, but for a strange reason it brought some sort of... comfort. As if it was one thing he could trust... "I am Ben." The man said with a deep tone, the breeze moving his black hair a bit. He looked over at Hal, and nodded towards the tombstone. "You know him?" [@Kaithas] [@Kronshi] ------------------------------------------------- [h1][u]Atlas[/u][/h1] The man held a calf. He had seen a lot of weird things in his time in this gods forsaken city, but this was rather unusual to him. The man was obviously not a threat. He didn't know why really. He had a weapon himself, but he came towards him with curiosity. He didn't ask for his help, he didn't threaten him for his backpack, he simply greeted him, and asked (in a very polite way) what the fuck happened to him. Eli looked down at his sword, he didn't feel like he'd need it, but he kept a tight grip on it just in case. Eli didn't talk at first. He simply looked at the man for a few seconds, debating on how exactly to answer this. He didn't feel like telling him everything that went on, how he didn't know how he got here or where he was, because that could be information that could get Eli killed. "I trusted someone I shouldn't have." Was Eli's reply, his voice a bit rough and broken. He pointed to the calf, giving half of a laugh. "It seems you have had better luck than I have. From what I've experienced in his damned city, you might as well be walking around with a sign that says 'Free Food.'" He said, his golden eyes examining the man yet again to make sure he was someone he could trust for now. "You traveling alone? Or bringing him back to your friends?" Eli obviously didn't know how much that calf meant to the man. he assumed he was taking it to eat for the food. He would have asked for a name first, but he needed to know how many people were with him. He could never be too careful in this world. [@BCTheEntity]