Zymeni watched as more and more people went to sign the sheet. Soon he was one of the few who hadn't. He glanced around before stepping forward and grabbing the pen. He looked down at the sheet and wondered what he should write. He knew how to write but only in Elven. His mother had taught him how to read and write and all of her books were Elven. He shrugged and scratched his name in Elven. As someone shuffled net to him he grabbed a throwing knife cautiously. His time in the forest made him wary of others. As he finished of signing he looked up at the guild master, his eyes wide with a mix of fear, apprehension and nerves. He nodded with a shuddering breath and left the hall quickly. As he went outside he untied Vioarr from the hitching post and walked him towards the inn he had got his breakfast from.