[b]"Do we look friendly to you?"[/b] Georgia shrugged. She wanted to come closer, but the blonde next to the red woman seemed reckless and an ally of her's. "Do any of us look friendly?" She replied. Everyone she'd seen in here so far, corpses included, looked like fight dogs, bred and born to tear each other apart. [b]"Not always,"[/b] the red woman said. [b]"But I can be, if you don't do anything stupid like attack somebody."[/b] Georgia grimaced slightly. She may have a shit IQ, but she still had common sense. "No ma'am. My momma taught me better than that." In truth, she did. [i]When your head is in the lion's jaws, you pet it,[/i] her mother's words echoed in her head. Suddenly their eyes shifted to someone behind her. [b]"Umm... Could I... Could I be of any help?"[/b] Georgia resisted immediately turning to see who stood behind her, but she new the red woman would squeeze that trigger before she even had time to blink. She slowly turned to look at the newcomer, an awkward looking boy-man who seemed too [i]not criminal.[/i] More playing dungeons and dragons in his basement or talking lore about his favorite fantasy book in a book club. He wasn't a fight dog. He was a newborn puppy, it's eyes still shut. The thought normally would've made Georgia smile, but she didn't feel too obliged with a gun pointed at her. The group beckoned the boy-man to help them. Georgia wanted to scuff at it, but the boy-man seemed sincere in his demeanor. The red and the rebel took positions to watch other their group's back, particularly keeping their eyes fixated on Georgia and the entrance. [i]Shit.[/i] She hadn't thought about that. More might be coming soon. She turned her back away from the mouth of the Apox, turning her back to the forest but keeping her eyes on the entrance at the group. She glanced at the skyline. Still no reinforcements. [b]"Oh, and... The name's Christine, by the way,"[/b] the red woman said. She murmured something softer to rebel. The empty skyline set Georgia on edge, but she stayed put. "Look," she stated. "Helicopters and dogs and tanks are going to be coming for us soon if we don't get out of here. I don't know about you guys, but I don't want to go stumbling into these woods alone and afraid with dogs coming after me."