Roars from left and right rang in the boy's ears as the constructs swung to and fro. The fire fury was sent flying into the forest, knocking down a few unstable trees. It then flew forward so suddenly into the earth fury, leaving a trail of blue fire in its wake. The collision sent another shockwave of pure energy into the air, ringing loudly and destructively. Snow began to fall very suddenly for a brief moment, but the beings ignored this. As the two beings fought, the mad man stood up in his green seat and did an irish gig. His eyes were changing colors furiously; from red, to green, to blue, to yellow, and all the way around the color spectrum. The psychoactive ingredients in the mushroom were kicking in. He was seeing things of great awe and exhilaration. Was he going insane? Or was he already insane? He pointed his finger at the overgrown flame. With a flash of light, it sizzled and disappeared in a swell of blue smoke. The earth elemental groaned in a very gentle way when its eyes linked with its creator's. It had found its new master, a being of higher power and intelligence that was ready for following and worship. The trent-like being creaked its way towards its god and smiled passionately. The young man couldn't help but feel content and warm. The trent was becoming almost a child to him. His hand went out towards the earthy being as another grin, this time much more kind and soft, crept across his pale lips. The trent rubbed its wooden face against his palm and grunted in comfort. With a jump, the boy landed on the trent's shoulder. "What shall your name be?" He spoke softly while kicking his legs to and fro. The trent groaned with a very aged smile. You could most definitely sense the wisdom in its hollow eyes. An idea had appeared in his mind. "I'll name you... Wormwood. "Let's go somewhere. You're cool. To be honest I like you... you have like a really nice aura. It's pleasing. Take me to somewhere far. Somewhere peaceful... somewhere I can make mine in this place. I can feel it you know. Something has changed. I can't tell if I have, or if quite possibly the world has changed instead. I feel powerful. Strong. Able. I feel warm and I feel cold at the same time. I can do whatever I want. Literally... anything. Am I unstoppable? Oh my god. I still don't even know my name. So many questions to answer... but so many games to play too. Right?" He spoke to the trent. Wormwood took one look at his master, smiled, and grunted. "True." He whispered to Wormwood. And just like that, they began to move towards the forest. But something stopped the two in their tracks. The kid felt a very strong presence, more than one presence even. With a furrow of his eyebrows, he began to sniff the air like an estranged animal. It was now his goal to find whoever was near.