[@Leslie Hall][@AlicePleasanceLiddell] "Well Theodore and Lucas" started the professor. "The main arena" he gestured to the building, "Is only used in official matches and specific classes but anywhere in the school you can spar but don't worry the magic surrounding this school makes sure no harm comes to anyone in these matches, official or unofficial. There are also the basketball and football courts that you can use in your free time." He then turned to Ruby and Adam. "I agree it is a tiring tour and this is the last stop. I would like you all to see one last thing however." He said and walked a couple of steps to the side. If the students also take a few steps to the right they will see a massive forest with hilly areas a river going through the middle with a lake on one side and much more. There was even a desert! "This is the 'garden'" He explained. We use this for things like catch the flag and cross country riding. Students are allowed in but there is a danger. This is the place where the magical wards is the weakest and where some monsters manage to get through the borders, also no student is allowed beyond the electric fence encircling the outside unless you are in a lesson as our borders are cut off at that point and the monsters roam freely." He then turned around and walked down an alleyway that somehow hadn't been there before and walked through entering a massive square with small stalls and shops dotted around. "Welcome to the start of the Residential Zone" He said. "Market Square." He then gestured for them to follow him and he entered a cafe and sat down at a table. After they made their way in he said "Sit down somewhere and have a rest and something to eat, the foods good here" As he picked up a menu and ticked some boxes next to options. The menu then morphed into Chicken Casserole which he started to eat.