[b][i]Three days earlier,[/i][/b] “Have your men get some sleep for the day. They need to be in top shape for the coming battle.” Said a cloaked figure to what seemed like the head of a small militia of armed men. A small detachment of Kaaos warriors were being sent to wipe out the small village for not choosing the knee as the locals called it. The cloaked figure looked around the room before letting out a small sigh. “How many men do we have and how many men are expected to attack us?” He said now looking to another man in the room, who looked to be a scout. “There are a total of 50 men said to be approaching our position. We only have 35.” The scout said looking more worried with each passing minute. “Shit, shit shit shit shit SHIT” The leader said banging his fist against the table with each word he uttered. “THIS IS HOPLESS! How are we to defend against them?! These people are but farmers and are basically fodder for the Kaaos, we must retreat.” He said looking to the cloaked figure, all hope seeming to have vanished from his once haughty appearance. “We will win, I guarantee it. He probably sent a few recruits and maybe one or two vets. As long as you, and your men, keep level heads and have hope, we will survive. Trust me.” He said as he opened the door and exited the room, preparing for what would lie ahead. [b][i]That night,[/i][/b] All 35 men sat at the ready, hands clenching their weapons as tight as humanely possible. No one dared move and make a sound. When they heard that help would come they expected the legendary, katana wielding duo who protected whole towns . But instead that got this cloaked figure calling himself the dawnrider. All thought was lost when scouts ran through the city. “THEY ARE HERE MAN YOUR POSITIONS THEY ARE UPON US.” With that every man jumped and ran towards the entrance of their village. They waited, and waited, and waited until finally a thunderous roar was heard and the Kaaos detachment came running towards them. 5 minutes into the fight, 5 arrows hit, and executed, 5 of the Kaaos’s men. Then after that a ice wolf that stood around 4’9 ft tall charged in headfirst together with its hooded master into the swarm of the Kaaos. [b][i]6 hours later,[/i][/b] The hooded figure, known only as Eodwyn, sat near a fire tending to his wounds while his wolf Oragnar licked itself. Laughter could be heard all around the village, news was being sent to all other villages of the victory this village achieved. Eodwyn gave a slight chuckle as he looked to his companion. “ Told ya we would win. Can’t believe you ever doubted me” he said as his wolf looked at him with an almost confused look before going back to licking its small cuts. It was then that a small boy ran up the Eodwyn and handed him a letter, before running off into the crowd of joyous people, never once uttering a word. Eodwyn opened the small letter before reading it and frowned slightly. After reading the letter he stood up and threw it into a nearby fire. “Cmon lets go. We have to head into that cursed town again.” He sighed as his companion gave a slight growl. [i][b]Present Day,[/b][/i] “So whaddya think orag, should we go in and possibly be caught in a trap, or just leave and maybe miss out on some real action…..Ora- GAH!” He said as he realized that his wolf had put a half-eaten corpse of a rat in his hand before sitting down and wagging its tail. “O-kay I think that means we should get out of this rain and check this little meeting out.” He sighed as he slowly exited the dark alley he was in and walked straight ahead, into the Drunken Dragon. As he did he saw a variety of people and races with varying personalities. He slowly went up to the bar “Hey bartender guess what. Me wife caught me cheating wit another woman. Could you imagine me luck? Well I guess its time to begin again am I right?” He said as he let out a huge, fake, laugh and took in the inn and everyone in it.