[center][h3]Dragon Age dump![/h3]OCs and canons galore. [img]http://i.imgur.com/tZ28okE.png?1[/img] An updated WIP of my Warden's Tarot card. I'm going to redo the scarf and background--and I really ought to decide if the kiddo is the Page of Cups, or the Three of Cups. I am bad at this [img]http://i.imgur.com/N0UO2gi.jpg?1[/img] Moar Gweyr! I have forgotten how to use copics, since it's been like... 8 years since I last used them??? [img]http://i.imgur.com/2PL862j.png[/img] So I ended up doing the same doodle on my phone. Lazily [s]to the surprise of no one[/s] [img]http://i.imgur.com/SUzexle.jpg?1[/img] A Warden character from the Fourth Blight [s]and another game that never fucking goes anywhere[/s]. I have this obnoxious habit of adding character names to images, because ??? idk. Copics, again. [img]http://i.imgur.com/SFTIw4A.png[/img] My friendo wanted a Josie doodle. I PROVIDED IT. It is terrible, but the sketchbook app is unforgiving and I don't know what I'm doing ORZ [img]http://i.imgur.com/VtggIob.png[/img] But then friendo was like "DO MERRILL NOW" and my smol blood mage girlfriend is way too much fun to doodle. [s]why wasn't she our guide in the Temple of Mythal, ffs Morrigan, stop acting like you actually know elven cultuuuure. I still love you tho[/s] [img]http://i.imgur.com/62uFFiD.jpg?1[/img] My canon Hawke, Kashira. More copic terribleness. She's a snarky mage, which is super weird for me, since my canons are like...ALWAYS rogues. [h3]And then, some assorted shit[/h3][img]http://i.imgur.com/IRfDQGx.png[/img] Because I realised that, despite my undying love for Queen Nat, I had yet to doodle her. Especially Edmonson's Black Widow. Wow, those shitty shadows did not even appear on my phone screen, oops. [img]http://i.imgur.com/6xRnitR.jpg?2[/img] A Star Wars OC sketch. I heart Twi'leks. [img]http://i.imgur.com/xklbpaz.jpg?1[/img] My [s]extremely last minute[/s] graduation cap! My degree is in geology with a focus in biology and paleontology, so I had to give my raptor a rock hammer. SCIENCE! [/center]