Just gonna go put this up here :) [s]Totally did not use any references from Shia LaBeouf's 'Just Do It' video.[/s] [hider=Scarlett Autumnwalker] [hider=Le pic] [img]http://magicartworld.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/08/red_haired_samurai_by_sakimichan-d4v1z1t.jpg[/img] [/hider] [center][color=9e0b0f][i]Scarlett Autumnwalker: A calm head of red with a highly flammable heart.[/i] [/color] [/center] Details: Scarlett was the first born and only child of the Autumnwalker family, growing up in a quiet and peaceful household. Her parents had both died in an unfortunate accident when she was little, so her grandfather, a former huntsman, took Scarlett in instead. At a young age, the girl took up archery under her grandfather's guidance, and soon discovered her talent for it. Over the years, she continued to hone her skills in this area, hoping to become a proficient archer. Scarlett also developed and interest for birds, visiting the forests of Enn to search for new ones. Preserving different fallen feathers and going birdwatching became a well enjoyed hobby of hers, and she would even take her grandfather along with her on occasion. Her love and fascination for birds only continued to grow, and before long, Scarlett sought out to find every single bird in existence. A challenging goal for the young Scarlett, yes, but the girl pushed on, starting off by looking out for different species in Enn's forests. Now in her mid twenties, Scarlett still remains inside Enn's large and protective walls, working as a teacher at a nearby school. She's admired by many of the young children there and truly enjoys her job. However, Scarlett still felt that her life was incomplete. She still wanted wanted to seek out every possible species of bird that was out there, but the thought of leaving her grandfather all alone was absurd. The young woman couldn't even think of abandoning the man that had cared for her all these years, especially now that he himself was in need of Scarlett's help. So she stayed put, forbidding herself to take even the slightest step outside the walls. One day, the two went out on a short walk, talking about recent events and such. It was then when Scarlett noticed a certain poster, one that made her stop in her tracks completely. Even after reading it through, Scarlett discarded the thought of exiting the walls, continuing to walk down the stone path. Her grandfather quickly noticed the sadness and disappointment in Scarlett's eyes, and, once they arrived home, he sat her down for a small talk. As soon as he had finished, the young woman began to cry. Her grandfather's words had certainly touched her heart. [i]If you want to follow your dreams, follow them. You're twenty-five now, and, as your grandfather, I do not want to be the one who demolishes them completely. I won't mind if you leave on Thursday morning… But promise me one thing. If you are going to pursue your dreams, make sure you don't let anything get in the way. Don't let your dreams be dreams, Scarlett. Make them a reality.[/i] [hr] Born during the wild season of autumn and with a head full of fiery red hair, Scarlett bears a truly befitting name. Usually seen in a long, white, bell sleeved top and a grey skirt, Scarlett is often mistaken for a ghost. Coupled with her pale skin, tall height and little to no presence, Scarlett gives quite a fright to strangers. Underneath all that though is a gentle and quiet young woman who always puts the welfare of others before herself. Her soft spot and kindness towards children is widely known throughout her area, as she has taught many younger kids at her nearby school. This sweet and quiet nature if hers comes as a huge surprise to others, since her red hair is something people are quick to judge at. Her tall height of 5'11 and unusually strong arms seem like a very weird combination, even to Scarlett herself. Even so, her kindness shows no bounds, and Scarlett is willing to aid anyone in need of a helping hand. [/hider]