Joseph smiled as the woman helped him, she was a pretty one, almost even better she had medical training. He took his eyes off of her and took in his surroundings. They were green, he hasn't seen anything green in so long, he was more and more sure that he wasn't hallucinating as the pain in his arm felt too real, as did the sights and scents around him. The wreckage of the Apox, it must have looked amazing from a better vantage point. He winced as the woman went to work on his injury. Joseph's fist clenched in response to the pain as she applied pressure to the wound. The talk of stitches almost made him groan, that wasn't something he wanted to go through. As he looked back up at her he noticed that her eyes were fixed on the letters which were his convicted crimes. It wouldn't be an easy task for him to talk about, but he was confident as always that he would be able to make the murders he committed sound less bad then they actually seemed. It seemed the bandaging of his injury had caused others to gather as he noticed more of his fellow prisoners emerge out of the wreckage. His eyes were upon the first strange woman to appear, then the gun that rose at her appearance. That was a good thing to have, protection, but also a huge risk depending on how mentally together the others in the small group were. Joe had it together, though he hated guns, so loud, so easy to miss with one, so many ways they could malfunction. His eyes scanned the others that had gathered, the only thought in his head about them were what their crimes may have been that had landed them on Apox. They had to have been something terrible, worse than his own even, though his weren't bad to him. He wouldn't be able to trust any of them, well yet. Maybe later on if they showed they were worth enough to him. A group did have its advantages, especially in their situation. Joseph knew nothing about surviving in the wilderness, which seemed be where they were at the moment, maybe the other criminals did. "We [i]should[/i] get moving. Even if there aren't any after us who are authorities, there may be other criminals, maybe like the man that attacked one of us earlier," Joseph said, pulled himself up to stand carefully, then looked at Elmina. "Thank you for patching me up, you're far too kind to help someone like me so quickly in such a crazy situation." "I'm Joe, by the way." He added.