Ioannes watched the Demon transform, taking in the potential use of his multiple arms and claws in this fight. Standing just beside Tirrarian, the Mamluk parried - or tried to parry - the arm swiping towards the Gnome, before thrusting at one of Zargon's left armpits. At the same time, though, he kept to the enemy's right side, allowing The Red, as well as his impressive Lioness summon, to keep attacking the Demon's front and left. If he should succeed in piercing the Demon, or should he be struck by one of its blows, he would notice that either his attacks caused more damage, causing the Demon's wounds to fizz like acid, or that the pain from the hit was less. Either way, he would notice that there was magic afoot, from an allied spellcaster - a rarity in Waldenshore! [@The Harbinger of Ferocity], [@Jon Y], [@The Fated Fallen], [@IcePezz], [@ArenaSnow].