[hider=Sweeney, the Baker][center][url=http://fontmeme.com/handwriting-fonts/][img]http://fontmeme.com/embed.php?text=Sweeney%20Kane&name=WhisperADream.ttf&size=60&style_color=CFCFFF[/img][/url] [img]http://up.arabseyes.com/uploads2013/09_08_151439151982868411.jpg[/img] [i][color=7ea7d8]A baker bored with the world within the wall.[/color][/i][/center] Detail: [color=gray][indent]Sweeney lived a rather uneventful life in Enn. She was born to a baker and a baker’s wife; she was the only child in the Kane family. Her grandparents were gone – if they were dead or not is a mystery to Sweeney – and both parents were only childs. So it was just the three of them in sweet Enn. They owned a bakery, once called Kane’s Bakery, but was changed on Sweeney’s birthday to simply Sweeney’s. Sweeney grew up with flour on her cheek and the scent of chocolate on her breath; from the very start she showed a predilection and skill in the art of baking. Too much skill, really. Sweeney was a natural at it, she could make anything out of anything and it would taste delicious – every week she created a new baked good that the parents would place on the menu for the next following week. If the baked good was popular, it would be permanently placed on the menu – if not, well, most of her creations were immensely popular, but those less so make a comeback in a year or so. It was when she was thirteen that it happened. The indolent boredness that began to plague her bones and the whispering drag of her skin; her mind became weary and distant, always floating in the clouds. She was never challenged; she had no interest in other activities and she had already nearly mastered her baking skills. There was nothing for her to do anymore, but sit in the bakery…and wait. At first, she thought she was just waiting for a customer; perhaps she wouldn’t be bored if a customer came. But then a customer came…and she was bored. So she waited longer. And longer. And longer. She’s still bored. Everything within the walls has been seen before, done before. There wasn’t anything new, or exciting. Seeing the same thing every day was a droll and doing the same thing every day was dull. It must have been a gift from up above that left that letter on the door. Despite the danger, despite the comfort that Enn came with, twenty year old Sweeney wanted to go on an adventure with the mysterious Traveler. She wanted to be a part of the world behind the wall.[/indent][/color] [center][img]http://36.media.tumblr.com/13b6a26c57a181bdd214c38b60d89487/tumblr_n20073Pduv1su612oo1_500.jpg[/img][/center][/hider]