[center][color=MediumTurquoise]~Adam and Ruby~[/color][/center] [center] [b][u]Ruby[/u][/b] and [u][b]Adam[/b][/u] followed the Professor to the right and saw the stunning landscape. Adam wasn't really a nature type. He let his eyes roam freely for a few seconds, just to observe the paths and everything, and then took a step back, getting a cigarette out of his pocket, waiting for the chance to light it. Ruby on the other hand was nothing less than a nature lover. She grazed the view with her eyes, amazed by all that beauty. Of course the best place to be for her was a forest, and then a library. Now she had both. First stop, library. Next stop, forest. That was the plan. After Professor Rockehorn lead them to the Market Square through a secret alley, they arrived to a nice cafe. That was what Adam wanted at that moment. He sat down next to the professor and lit the cigarette that was waiting for so long hanging from his bottom lip. He took a big sip and threw his head back, letting the smoke come out lazily after some seconds. Still with his eyes closed, he whispered something that sounded like [i]"At last"[/i], but it wasn't clear. Ruby sat between Adam and the two empty chairs. Ruby took a menu herself and ticked the [u]"Red Dragon Wine" [/u] box, and seconds after that with a small "Poof" and a bit of purple-blue smoke the menu vanished and in it's place there was now a glass of red wine with some small flames on top of it. Ruby really enjoyed that little show in front of her. She raised her glass and grinned lightly. [color=fdc68a][i]"Cheers!"[/i][/color] [/center]