[color=silver]Speech text color is Silver[/color] [hr] [hider=Aegis, the Demon Swordsman] [center][img]https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/236x/3a/19/f8/3a19f882b7f82bf78f00fd0281149e30.jpg[/img][/center] [color=silver][h3]"The two most important days in your life are the day you are born and the day you find out why."[/h3][/color] Name: Aegis Age: 59 years Race: Half Human Half demon Gender: Male Appearance: Aegis is a tall imposing figure, whose body revails his demon heritage. He is about 6'5" and painfully thin, although very muscular. He has pure white hair and odd reddish black eyes. To pass as human, he wears a large black coat with a loose shirt, (the pants in the picture) high boots and gauntlets. When he experiences extreme emotion, his body changes subtle to become more demonic. An interesting thing about him is that he seems to radiate a slight aura of fear that is palpable, but hard to distinguish. Theme Song: [youtube]https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=2Tr9NByHWaM[/youtube] Nature: Aegis is a complicated person who is in a constant battle with his demonic nature. He tries to be polite, but he angers easily. However, he does not act without thinking even when extremely angry. He tries to help, rather than harm, but he has a lust for battle and bloodshed that he is ashamed of and, as a result, he tries to avoid combat whenever he can. But those that see his unwillingness as weakness are in for a nasty surprise. He is stronger and faster than the average human, and in combat, all pretences drop and he fights with frightening ferocity and skill. Backstory: There once was a woman, wise and kind, brave and strong of will who lived as a noble in the doomed city of Xavier. Her name was Amara and she had a spirit that could not be dimmed or broken, that was a pure as driven snow. Alas, for this would not last. Xavier had been peaceful, until one day, the dark army suddenly rose up and conquered it in a day. Thousands were killed or abducted for food or "sport". sadly, Amara was one of the latter. She was taken by the Greater Demon general and imprisoned to be used, and eventually, killed. However, she was a resourceful woman and sought desperately for a way to escape. A week passed and she barely survived the harsh treatment. But in that week, she managed to convince some of the lesser creatures to let her escape, simply to spite the bigger, stronger demons. On a moonless night, she made her escape, and she ran and ran and ran as far and as fast as she could. Two days later, she was found, mysteriously, in the Desert of the Lost not far from the wisdom mountains by a tribe of nomads. They took her in, believing it was good luck to save someone from the harsh desert. They took care of her and she lived with them and learned their ways. Three months later, she found she was pregnant and was filled with despair. She planned to kill herself and would have, if it was not for a warrior by the name of Sigil, who she has grown close to, stopped her and with kind words, convinced her to live. Two months passed and she gave birth, unexpectedly early. It was a long, hard birthing and her strength failed. She gave birth to a boy and with tears in her eyes, she told Sigil the true about the boy and begged him to raise him. Sigil was shocked and appalled, but he loved her so much that he agreed. With her final breath, Amara named the boy Aegis, saying he was her shield against pain. Then, with a painful sigh, her strength failed and she died. Sigil was true to his word and raised Aegis as his own son. Aegis's growth was incredible, by three, he could walk and talk, by sixteen, he appeared to be a fully grown, normal human. Sigil was the finest warrior in the tribe of nomads and surprisingly literate. He taught Aegis how to fight, read, and write (in that order). The other kids and eventually the adults saw him as cursed and a monster and called him At Aegis's sixteenth birthday, he revealed to Aegis the truth about his origins. Aegis did not take well. He venously denied it and said something he would regret, before running away into the open desert, sick with fear of himself. That would be the last time they spoke. Aegis was not far before he came to the conclusion he had acted badly and he turned back to make amends. He smelled the smoke before he saw it. The camp was under attack by desert thieves. Aegis ran as fast as he could to help. When he got there, the fighting was still raging. Desperately, Aegis grabbed a sword and fought as he searched for Sigil. He found his corpse...and his head a few feet away. Rage. Aegis was consumed with rage, rage that blotted out sorrow, fear and any other emotion. His body changed greatly to close to a full demon. He grabbed a pair of scimitars that turned black at his touch and began to radiate demonic power. His demonic nature awakened when he killed everyone, friend or foe that night. Afterwards, he collapsed and sank into a blissful unconsciousness. When he came to, he found his body had been permanently changed and he was filled with horror at what he had done. He tried to pay respects, burying each of the dead the best he could and, in the tradition of the nomads, begged their spirits to forgive him. He made a special, careful grave for Sigil. That task done, he took what he needed-- and fled to escape what he had done. He since has become a wanderer, trying to make a living however he can, without revealing his demonic nature for fear that he will be hunted and be forced to kill again. Goal(s): Survive, find a worthwhile purpose. Inventory: • Large, black, Heavy cloak • Gauntlets • Pair of vicious black scimitars • Adequate supplies for travel [/hider]