The 'Bloody Champ' continued its' maneuvers and attacks, firing another volley as the P.M.'s barrage of missiles began to maneuver themselves and try to ensure a hit. Percy groggily yelled at the 'Bloody Champ's pilot, and... got a reply! [color=f7941d]"Wow, kiss your mom with that mouth?"[/color] a young woman retorted. [color=f7941d]"Oh hey, read the forecast? [b]Rainy[/b] day. Doesn't happen that often huh? Maybe we should enjoy it... Glory to the best pilot, though."[/color] 'Champ' closed the connection. Speaking mostly to herself, [color=f7941d]"Gee, I'll feel bad killing these guys now..."[/color]. Just as Bloody-Champ implied, Jingo and Percy just noticed that... it seemed like it would actually rain in a little. That didn't happen often...Perhaps they [i]should[/i] enjoy it. The large, dark clouds foreboding a downpour could be seen above. It [i]really[/i] doesn't happen often these days... The BC activated its' thrusters when it was at the 'back' of the trains' perimeter, dodging the outdated missiles, boosting in under them and making them impact behind her. As it closed in, it bobbed and weaved erratically, firing a barrage of bullets at the trains' rear. As the PM was also there, a few of the armor-piercing rounds might've collided, but he wasn't her primary target. The Captain yelled into her ear-piece as Mad-E went berserk. [color=8882be] "Mad-e, Mad-e.. Madison! What are you doing? Your NC isn't designed for that!"[/color]. The Mad-E's barrage of mortars began to impact the remaining tanks, crippling them even more. The Vulcan-equipped one was blown to hell, a round penetrated a turret, burrowed into the chassis, and blew up, nearly breaking the tank in two and actually blowing off a turret a few meters into the sky. As the Mad-E came closer, it began to rain. The other-one was a dead-tank crawling, and Elizabeth was notified of the Mad-E actually firing mortars while moving as she began to move in. Reflexively, she managed to dodge them. She continued her plan, and quickly got to the last remaining tank (that wasn't in pieces) and planted a demo-charge on its' front, rocketing away before it could even instinctively shoot back. The occupants were still pissing their pants, which was fortunate. Before detonation, the tank managed to fire off a few shots in futility, and Blur plus the Mad-E could register the both angry, and fearful screams of the occupants inside. "We REFUSE to go down so EASILY!-" was the most notable pre-death boast before the tank's occupant compartment was trashed by the demo-charge that really should be used against armored bunkers. The Captain 'gave new orders', which was more like trying to salvage the situation... [color=8882be]"B-Blur.. Mad-E, Swarm.. Re-group and...Assist team B's efforts.[/color] She deactivated her ear-piece and looked over to Duncan. [color=8882be]"Does.. She have anger issues? I swear to god Duncan.. This isn't good. It isn't a great idea for someone with 'issues' to be piloting a walking death-machine that could destroy a military base single handedly!"[/color] The Captain was apparently receiving flashbacks of the worst sort. She snapped out of it, renewed. [color=8882be]"Forget it. We'll have a talk about this when it's over."[/color], she turned on her earpiece. [color=8882be]"Blur, Mad-E, Swarm, regroup and assist Team B ASAP, time is money."[/color] ... [color=8882be]"Do it!"[/color]