[center][b]IMPERIAL ACADEMY OF FOEDINEI[/b][/center] [center][b]A Public Response to the Slanderous Statement of the Aontan Foreign Office[/b][/center] The assembled historians of the Imperial Academy of Foedinei, with the support of our many signatory faculty comrades, are shocked to see the accusations against us printed and released by the Aontan Foreign Office. Furthermore, we are deeply saddened by their statement's utter disregard for the proper channels of scholarly inquiry and debate. We scholars went through painstaking research, some at home but most abroad, to ascertain and interpret the documents confirming the legal right of the Xian Republic and Nakashisaki to territories currently held by the Kingdom of Soroya. The attempt of the Aontan Foreign Office to discredit our hard work is complete and utter speculation based on irrelevant geopolitical concerns. They present no evidence against our conclusion, nor any critique of our methodology. Their case, in short, is non-existent and serves only as a half-baked attempt to damage the reputation of our prestigious faculty and institution. We urge all scholars, and all thinking folk, to pay no heed to those baseless words of Aontan diplomats, who are either ignorant or deliberately inattentive to the proper conduct for intellectual engagement and discussion. Signed, The Historical Faculty of the Imperial Academy of Foedinei, and the following signatories... _____ [center][b]FOREIGN MINISTRY OF THE GRAND SURVAEK EMPIRE[/b][/center] So as to avert any alarm on the part of the nations of Varia, the Grand Survaek Empire announces now, in advance, its intention to send a force from the Surv-Vyaez to patrol the Southern coastal waters of Anvegad. This is a measure to ensure that the current colonial war between the Empire of Anvegad and the Kingdom of Soroya does not escalate beyond the sphere of Faresia. Needless to say, attempts by the Soroyan Navy to attack the coasts of Varian Anvegad will be interpreted as a hostile act against said naval contingent, and by extension a declaration of war against the Grand Survaek Empire. Signed, [i]Foreign Minister Aedis Haerk[/i] __________ -- The Imperial Academy of Foedinei responds harshly to Aontan claims that their documents regarding Soroyan Faresia are fabricated. -- A Survaekom naval force moves to patrol Anvegadian mainland waters to prevent Soroya (or any other power involved) from expanding the colonial war to Varia. (Details PMed to GM)