[center][h3]Theodore and Lucas[/h3][/center] It was a slight disappointment to hear that they wouldn't be able to use the magnificent arena any time they wanted, but the brothers were pleased to find out that they could train practically anywhere on the school. The next area they the professor showed them turned out to be the perfect spot for them. The luscious garden sported many different environments, obviously magically created. Theodore in particular took a liking to the lake. It seemed like a good place to go for early morning swims. Lucas stared blankly as the professor told them that monsters sometimes find their way into the garden. He clenched his fists at his side. "Good," He spoke through gritted teeth. "Let them come." Theodore stared somberly at his younger brother. His gaze was drawn to the large scar along the right side of the young man's face. It was a memento of their past, and a reminder to their mission. That was the reason why they were at this school; they wanted to slay monsters and avenge their family. Theodore gently nudged his brother in the arm with his fist, bringing him back from painful memories. "Dude, don't kill the mood." Theodore grinned, and Lucas responded with a smile in return. The small group seemed to be moving on through a mysterious alleyway. The brothers were reluctant to follow at first, but with the professor there, they really didn't have much to worry about. Walking through the alleyway, they were surprised to find the residential district. Theodore started to wonder how he'd remember how to get to all these places. Bustling market stalls lined the square, with students and others alike wandering about. The professor brought them to a cafe where he said they could order something to eat. It seemed their companions, who were tired from the long tour, were content with a glass of wine and a cigarette. Both of which sounded pretty good to Theodore. He shot a smile at Adam, leaning back in his chair. "You got another one of those?" He could tell Adam didn't like him very much, but he wasn't the kind of person to hold grudges. Besides, Adam barely knew him. Lucas stared in disapproval at his brother. They weren't allowed to smoke back in the military academy. That never stopped a bunch of cadets, Theo included, from sneaking out from time to time for a drag. Meanwhile Lucas was putting in the orders for he and his brother. "Hmm. Let's see." He pondered through the menu before settling on some coffee. "Long Black, no sugar for me, and uh-" "Flat white with 5 sugars!" Theo announced, ticking the box for Lucas. "That's too much sugar, Theo." Lucas scolded his brother once more. "Better than that bitter, black stuff you like." Theodore retorted, sticking his tongue out at his brother. At their command, the two drinks appeared before them. Theo's came with a small pile of sugar cubes which he plopped into the drink one at a time. Between sips of his coffee, Lucas tried to think of a conversation point. Ruby seemed nice, but he was reluctant to talk to her because of Adam. He didn't really think himself to type to be scared of someone like Adam. Perhaps it wasn't fear, but more so a lack of desire to associate with him any further. Obviously Theodore didn't have the same thought process, considering he was still begging Adam for a cigarette. Swallowing his nerves, Theodore took the first step and began to speak to Ruby and Adam. "So, where are you both from? My brother and I came from a military academy that we've practically spent our whole lives at. We don't get to meet many interesting individuals."