[h1][center]The New Republic Of Kalpia-Year 1904[/center][/h1] [h1][center]Kalpian News[/center][/h1] New about the conference of Winterhold have arrived to Mistburn and the ambassador Kevin Rafael Möller has said that the conference has been a success for Kalpia atleast in the table , the winterhold conference has made clear that a demilitarizated zone in the border between Somaya and Zellonia will be made , a investigation will be done by the three nations that attended the conference Anvegad , Soroya and Kalpia and finally the conference has recognized the claims of the nation of Sumaya in the region of colonial Zellonia , this leads the three nations to solve their claims in a later time after most the demilitarizated zone is settled and the investigation is done. [i]"We hope that the conference will bring peace to Sarelia and will avoid any further conflict in the region"-Kevin Rafael Möller[/i] , after this he had a brief conversation with a reporter , the reporter said that Kevin Rafael Möller wasnt sure that Zellonia would agree to the conference , as their agressive attitude is shown to the world. To start the preparations of the treaty the nation of Kalpia has set up a investigation team of their own and a military force of 5,000 men as the nations of Soroya and Anvegad can be considered not able to do this as they face problems in their own colonies in Faresia , althought the help of those of nations could be very helpful to put the treaty of Winterhold in force. [i]Kevin Rafael Möller[/i] [img]http://4.bp.blogspot.com/-9r2Hgpw74Cg/VO630gIWadI/AAAAAAAAMh4/MBVbzZf35gI/s1600/Johann_Heinrich_von_Bernstorff_1908.jpg[/img] The Fair of Weapons of Mistburn is going to start soon , as a traditional fair of our country to give the companies in our country a way to show up their new inventions and a way to entertrain our population , the fair is always awaited by the soldiers of the our army as they are given a free day to attend the fair but only in the Mistburn region, several competitions of skill and intelligence will be held in the fair , there will be rewards as special editions of several weapons as the Siril/99 or the Mariust/98 , beyond this this will be a chance for our soldiers to show to the public that they are capable of defending the citizens of Kalpia and as a last note the new chief of the army Reiner Engelhardt will be present.