There was a quick knock on Lyra's door, a knock that suggested either urgency or annoyance. With Aaron on the other side, pounding on it with his fist, it was most likely the latter. [color=teal]"Lyra! Open the damn door, I'm dragging you to that ball tonight, whether you like it or not! You need to get outside for once!"[/color] He was gonna give her a minute, then he was gonna short circuit the magnetic lock on the door. That minute passed quickly, then he simply pressed his hand to the lock and set to work. [color=teal]"Let's see here, just gotta reverse the polarity of one of the magnets..."[/color] In a moment, the door swung outward with a click, and in walked the spark plug, dressed in a sharp, light brown and pinstriped suit, snow white undershirt, a black tie... and a clown mask hanging from his hip for the moment, painted neatly with an American flag decorating the facade. [color=teal]"No one cares about the mall, anymore! Now get outside and be soc-"[/color] He shut his mouth as he saw the scene in front of him, appalled by the mess. He had lived in a literal dump during his childhood, and now kept his living quarters in pristine shape, not wanting to fall into old habits. [color=teal]"Jesus Christ, Lyra..."[/color] [hr] Zinnia came to the mall's main entrance, standing in the heavy robes and metal mask of a Janissary, the only hints as to who she was being the katar hanging from her belt and the bust that gave her away as a woman. A true disguise if one ever existed, really. The only problem was that she had no idea what the woman looked like, much less what her costume was. Well, there was another problem, as she had just glanced down at her watch. [color=maroon]"Iron's running late, fantastic... hope nothing happened to him."[/color] She nodded to a passing couple walking into the large building, then leaned on the wall, arms crossed. [color=maroon]"I did tell him what I'm dressed as... I did, didn't I?"[/color] She shook her head, erasing the doubt from that thought.