[center][color=0054a6][h3][b]~Lapis Lazuli~[/b][/h3] [i]... help me... ____-san... please... ____!![/i][/color] When the coast was clear and that all of them were making way towards the palace for refuge after that mess of a fight, Lapis's body was still... well, dead. All times that they would check for a pulse of some kind, nothing came up. It really was like she was dead... soulless. Lifeless. Empty. However, to the disbelief of the people in the group, Lapis suddenly moved, her eyes fluttering open, and yet her heart didn't dare to beat in any way at all. The crystallization surrounding her cheek and leg was still intact, and it was almost like she didn't realize that she had those abnormalities on her. [color=0054a6]"Goddamn... I feel like I'm going to hurl or something. Guess I got myself messed up back there..."[/color] the girl grumbles as she holds a hand to the side of her head, not taking to fact that majority of the group present were unaware of her Half-Alive status. Well, at least it was now known that she was going to be fine. [@Lmpkio][@Cuccoruler][@Kael Taiyou][@Flamelord][@Eviledd1984][/center]