[b][center][h3][color=seagreen]The Republic of Deltora 1904[/color][/h3][/center][/b][hr] [center][b]The Etellian Debate[/b][/center] With the invitation to join the Sociatatem, to stand by the ideals of freedom, balance and peace refused by the government of Etellia. This much was accepted, however the speech given by Etellian Prime Minister Gio Orsini, naming the Sociatatem as wolves posing as shepherds, would not go without rebuttal from popular Deltoran diplomat Eric Duclos. [i]"Your mistake, is in assuming us to be the shepherds. We do not control the flock, we protect the flock. We are the guard dogs that would see off those craven enough to try take that which they hold no rights to, those which prowl on those considered weaker than themselves. It is those who stand upon your borders now, that are the wolves."[/i] [center][img]http://memim.com/timages/abraham-a.-ribicoff-03.jpg[/img] [i]Deltoran diplomat Eric Duclos. Circa 1904.[/i][/center] [hr] [center][b]Mille-Sessau Aggression[/b][/center] Delegates from Deltora have been sent on their way to the capital city of Aville in order to find answers behind Mille-Sessau's clearly aggressive actions and potentially hostile intentions towards Etellia. The stationing of troops on foreign borders would not be tolerated, and could only mark the intentions of war or aggression, both of which were to be found unacceptable. Demands have been made that the government of Mille-Sessau explain themselves for such a course of action reminiscent of an expansionist. [hr] [center][b]The Crozier Expedition[/b][/center] 1904 would be the year. The first year in a hundred years which would see a Deltoran set foot upon foreign soil with the sole intention of colonization and exploration. The expedition led by Evrard Crozier and his hardy crew have taken to the seas accompanied by the brave Destroyers TPS Deliverance and Fortitude in order to bring civilization to the far islands of Faresia. Their goal, the Makitori Islands of the Faresian coast. [center][img]https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/6/61/Advance_Column_of_the_Emin_Pasha_Relief_Expedition_1890.jpg/750px-Advance_Column_of_the_Emin_Pasha_Relief_Expedition_1890.jpg[/img] [i]From left: Kevin Moreau, Armel Fresnel, Evrard Crozier, Ludovic Vidal, Grégoire Bernier of the Crozier Expedition. Circa 1904.[/i][/center] Expectations are high for the expedition. With hopes of a colony for the people being founded upon the isles within the next few months of the expeditions return. In a world where nations were ever expanding their lands abroad and oversees. Deltora in order to keep up with the growing demand for resources, must too enter the race for colonization. The Makitori islands and it's people, would soon feel the welcoming embrace of civilization, education, liberty and civility. [hr] [center][b]Denouncement[/b][/center] The blatant expansionism and warmongering actions of those known as the Yamarno Shogunate, remains an a front to the civilized world. The Yamarno's attempted conquest into Basai land has warranted our allies the Soroyans and those of the Republic of Xian to intervene on the behalf of the defenders to quell the warmongering state. From this date, no trade shall reach the fiends who would see it's flag across the entirety of Faresia, lest it be used to fuel it's barbaric aims. [hr] [B]SUMMARY:[/B] - Demanding the government of Mille-Sessau explain their clearly hostile intentions. - Expedition to colonize the Makitori Islands. - Denouncement and embargo of the Yamarno Shogunate.