This open? Eh, imma apply anyway lol. [hider=My Hider] Name: Lloyd Castellans Age: 32 Race: Human Rank: Knight-Lieutenant [img][/img] Personality: An ambitious man, with words he is blunt and direct; rarely does him use flattery to win others over. For him, lip service is as good as kissing a mule’s arse for action speaks louder than words. As a realist, though he is sworn to uphold his duties as Templar, he will break his oaths if need be if it is for the greater good. Lloyd puts himself first, everything else is secondary. Background: The fifth son of a wealthy landowner, this meant that Lloyd’s share in the family coffers were next to nothing when his father died. This along with him being bullied by his older siblings caused Lloyd to seek other means of strength. With little prospect within his family (much of the money was being spend on his older siblings and he loathed the idea of working for them), he left his home to join the order at the age of 15. Thus, he arrived at Starwatch, the Order’s Fortress as an initiate. With a zealous fervor he studied both magic and swordsmanship. It was very hard in the beginning for he had no formal training in either of them but the anger that raged inside him, the idea of coming back home only to be mocked at for being a failure, only made him focus more intensely on his tutelage. His hard work paid off and at the age of 23, he was formally inducted to become a Templar. He continued to train himself in the art of war and as a Templar, he opted to wield both the staff and the sword. This proved to be his signature fighting style and he continued to improve it throughout the years. One of the Knight-Captains saw great potential in Lloyd and took him under his wing. With guidance from Jord the Gallant, he learned a great deal. Jord found the young man to be brash, confident and eager to learn. Yet he also sensed an inner darkness within him and tried to chisel it away by teaching him of humility and compassion. These teachings were of little interest to Lloyd but he was grateful. Jord felt like the father he never had and for this, he was thankful. When it came time for him to leave them to depart, Lloyd cried for the first time in many years. He came to realize he did not have to live in the shadow of his family’s name and perhaps compassion was something beautiful. He had the strength to carve out his own destiny and was no longer beholden to the past. At the age of 30, he became a knight-lieutenant, 3 years after the split. Weapons: Lloyd was said to be fearless in battle as he fights with both the sword and the staff. This sort of fighting style, the seamless weaving of magic and swordsmanship into one is one of the hardest to master and few take it up for it requires immense concentration on both ends. Rod of Good Fortunes Steel Sword Magic: Cryomancy Expertise: His repertoire of abilities include sending water at high speeds, creating a frost armor enchantment, and crearing a frost nova by slamming his staff on the ground and some more. [/hider] Still looking for a good face image. That's just armor he wears. Tends to go for medium weight armor. Not full plate, mix of leather and mail.