As the two brown-wearing cloaked figures looked around near the entrance, they spied one or two suspicious individuals at the bar itself. It seemed, from here, that they were trying to strike up a chat with the bartender or perhaps ordering drinks. Keeping their wits up, they spotted an empty table near the bar. Slowly moving towards it and avoiding bumping into or distrubing any of the other people and individuals, they both moved to it and took seats opposite to each other. They simply continued to observe. Being hunted, they always had to watch for potential troublemakers. And this place seemed prime for an ambush or, sadly, some random drunk that get's a chip on their shoulder, thinking that they're blessed by some random god or other silly fantasy. The female, Rutilus, kept a watchful eye at the bar while Indigo looked elsewhere. This town wasn't fully under Kaaos's control per say but his loyalists WERE still here none the less. All it would take is some ill-misfortune if one or more happened to be here. So far, to Indigo anyways, that didn't appear to be the case. "...that man...that could be who I think it is...", Rutilus muttered to Indigo. Indigo shot a quick glance towards the bar before returning to looking at other parts of the tavern. "...if so, then we weren't the only ones who got a letter...", Indigo mutteres in return. "...should we leave then?" "'s this plays out..." " you say my brother..." After that muttered conversation, the two continued to wait and observe. Though both tried to look as if they were waiting for some form of service...