[b]What is your usual posting speed?[/b] AT THE SPEED OF LIGHT! [s]Once a day.[/s] [s]A few times a week.[/s] Once a week. I try to post when I can but life happens, y'know? Molasses. But my posts are AWESOME. I try to post a few times a week, but when I'm off and there's nothing else I should be doing, then I'm all over the OOC like some hungry hippo. (But then again everyone seems to live in a completely different timezone to me makes me cri everytiem) [b]Choose one:[/b] Sword Shield Bandage Seed Crown Wand [s]Book[/s] Because books are awesome (as long as you pick the right one). [b]Dragons or [s]kittens[/s]?[/b] As epic it would be to get high on coffee with a dragon, I don't want my face to get burnt off just yet. And because KITTENS OMFG SO CUTE I WANNA CUDDLE 'EM [b]Name a vegetable.[/b] A sprout. A horrible, measly brussel sprout.