[@Moonlit Sonata][@Lmpkio][@Player 2] The small child and Gojira enthusiastically helped search the area, although he was well aware they would be unable to identify it. Unless it took a conspicuous form he doubted they would be of much use, but there was no need to stop them. After all, they were most likely looking to return to their own universe as swiftly as possible, and doing all they could to achieve that goal. To ask them to sit back and do nothing would do nothing to ease their minds, and might prevent them from relieving tension. Of course, it was only when the girl blurted out her sister's potential fate that he was reminded of the stakes. Not merely the fate of empires rested on this discovery, but so did the lives of innocents. No great statistical change, no massive loss of social structure. But the deaths of those held dear to many, the grievous losses that could not be summarized in simple statistics. Sighing, the Emperor stood. While he could definitely feel something here, it was faded. As if the object had been moved. Had some enemy force come here before him, anticipating his moves? Had another organization such as Midori's decided to remove their access to interdimensional travel, locking them within this world? Or was it simply another lost soul, who had taken the terminal either with noble intentions or out of a desperate desire to return to their homeworld. It was impossible to say, nor to judge. "Stay here, and search the shop. I can sense a lifeforce, not too far away from here. I believe this being might possess the terminal, or know of it at least. Don't worry. I'll ensure you return home before anything happens to your sister." Nova briefly nodded at Yoh, feeling oddly responsible for the small child's fate. It was not the place of children to find themselves amidst the apparent battlefield they had been tossed into, and he sought to ensure that these memories would be swiftly forgotten, discarded as a dream. Or at the very least that she would escape unharmed, both physically and mentally, and be able to resume her normal life. With ease, the Emperor opened a portal through the Warp, stepping out of it to confront Frisk. He was surrounded in a powerful divine aura, a sense of calm hanging around him. Looking down at the child, Nova raised an eyebrow, dubious that the youngling would have any real information, but from simply touching their mind he could tell appearances were deceiving. Realizing Frisk was in no way hostile, Nova spoke to him. "Greetings, Frisk. My name is Nova. And I believe you're holding on to an object of some importance."