[center][color=MediumTurquoise]~Adam and Ruby~[/color][/center] [center] [u][b]Adam[/b][/u] turned his gaze upon Theodore, raising his left eyebrow. Without moving anything else but his hand he popped a cigarette out of his pocket and handed it to Theodore, nodding lightly, as if approving the gesture. He then leaned forward with his elbows on the table and his legs crossed and observed the people, the surroundings and the conversations happening. [u][b]Ruby[/b][/u] smiled as she found funny the difference between the brothers' drinks. She looked over Lucas, for he seemed like trying to start a conversation, something that everyone needed. [color=fdc68a][i]"I grew up in a small town, I'd tell you the name but you probably have never heard of it."[/i][/color] She said and smiled politely. She looked at Adam, but he didn't look like he would answer. [color=fdc68a][i]"He's from London. I like London."[/i][/color] She said and drank some wine. Adam soon noticed Gary at the corner of the cafe. [i][color=a2d39c]"No wonder he is alone."[/color][/i] he said in a cold voice. Ruby got very annoyed by Adam's comment. [i][color=fdc68a]"Such a mean thing to say, Adam."[/color][/i] She soon scolded him. Adam moved his head in dissatisfaction and took another sip of his cigarette. Ruby stood up and looked around to find Gary. He was indeed sitting all alone at a corner, drinking some sort of drink. She walked there and waved her hand at him. [i][color=fdc68a]"Salute"[/color][/i] She said and smiled. [i][color=fdc68a]"We are all sitting over there, you can join us. It would be nice if we all got to know eachother a bit."[/color][/i] She said while pointing her finger to the table where she was sitting a minute ago. She leaned closer to Gary, and smelled his drink. [i][color=fdc68a]"..Whiskey?"[/color][/i] Adam was chilling out, while observing Ruby as she went to call Gary. He really disliked him. Then he saw Ruby leaning close to him, and this was one too strong trigger for his nerves. He stood up in a second, ready to start a fight in case that guy moved an inch closer to her. Adam could hear his own teeth grinding. [/center]