[b]Alexis Taylor[/b] [i]Aw man, I can't believe I slept in![/i] That was dumb of her. She'd been so hyped for this that she could barely sleep, and... Well, that kind of explained it, really. Of all the stupid reasons to almost miss it... And so here she was, thundering down the street, her long blonde hair trailing behind her as she held dearly onto her hat. And in her other hand, she held her contribution to the event, her favourite video game OST of all time. ...Oh come on, the [i]BrĂ¼tal Legend[/i] soundtrack totally counted, right? At the very least, she could argue that it had the best final boss theme ever. Because... Because come on, [i]Painkiller![/i] Any game that used Judas Priest's best song as the final boss theme had to have the best one. Nothing could come close. Her feet pounded against the floor as she raced into the apartment building. She didn't want to be late... Being late would be simply unacceptable. Note only did she strive to be as punctual as possible when it came to being on time for things, but... But the last time she showed up late somewhere, Dylan had stolen that hot Tifa cosplayer she'd been eyeing all day right from under her nose! She would never forgive him for that... Never! ...Even if it did lead to her hooking up with that one Reimu cosplayer. And they did more than make out, eheh... Sure, she came off better for it, but it was the principle of the thing! She would never forgive him for it! Theirs was a rivalry forged in blood and tears! And saliva. And... [i]No time to reminisce![/i] she thought, as she approached the door at breakneck speed. [i]Time for a dynamic entrance![/i] ...And then she launched a flying kick through the door, landing perfectly in the center of the room. Pointing to her chest with her right thumb, she proclaimed... [B][I]"I... HAVE ARRIVED!"[/I][/B] Spreading her arms out dramatically, she grinned wildly at her audience. Her... Rather small audience.... Honestly, it was no surprise that her expression quickly turned to one of mild disappointment. "Aw man, I thought more people would be here by now..." Alexis sighed, slumping back into a chair and taking a handful of nachos. "I made that dynamic entrance for nothing!"