Ethel slid out a card from her deck and replaced it with the Gozen Match, giving Floyd a nod. It seemed she was content with this trade. What he said after though, kinda struck her with surprise. Her deck was amazing...? The girl glanced down at the heavy piece of machinery on her wrist, focusing her eyes on the cards still stuck in it. No... No it wasn't. People were laughing at her when she took it... And now Ethel's lost twice, horribly. [color=7ea7d8]"Thanks but... You don't need to say those things... Just to make me feel better..."[/color] she softly murmured, having a barely audible voice. The bluenette's eyes sank a little, looking down instead of directly at Floyd's face now. Right after he offered a duel. Ethel's surprise rose again, and this time you could actually see it written on her face. Those little eyes widened and her lips actually curved up slightly... Actually, no, she gave an actual smile! [color=7ea7d8]"I'd love to duel!"[/color] This person was a lot nicer than that other male Ethel dueled, and she already took a liking to them. She bowed her head to show her content, those long rabbit ears following her up and down. Ethel was starting to feel a bit weak standing up for so long, and was beginning to feel it. Blood started draining from the head and reflexively the girl shot up her left hand to hold it. [color=7ea7d8]"I-I think I'm going to head back to my room..."[/color] Ethel glanced around quickly, as if searching from something. [color=7ea7d8]"Wait here for a second."[/color] She ordered, walking over to a nearby chair and pulling out a pamphlet from it. Near it, for some reason, someone had dropped their pen. She scribbled something on it, then went over to Floyd and gave it to him. [color=7ea7d8]"Bye..."[/color] Ethel's expression was still a smile when she gave it to him, but once she turned and walked away it turned back to her usual, cold gaze. When Floyd looked at what Ethel wrote, he'd see she wrote down her number.