Further along the way from the increasingly large group of knights, yet another Knight of the Dawn Covenant, Kaathe, was sitting on the ground, his back leaning against the trunk of a tree, while his spear rested against his shoulder, dripping the excess blood, and drying the rest. His helm lay on the ground beside him, as if it was acting as some madman's lookout. On the ground at his other side, his own decorated crossbow rested. His body would survive its injuries, but it was still a fact that his body had received them. They were nothing serious, as his armor had taken a majority of the attacks. In fact, most of his injuries were mere bruises. However, his body ached, and pain was felt all over those injuries. The price of being mortal. Still, Kaathe couldn't help but quietly laugh at them. Injury was expected by the dark elf. Especially when one knight had to fight several cultists alone after so much had already happened. Surrounding Kaathe were the corpses of several deserters, stragglers, over-ambitious fools, and cultists that had separated from their main group to pursue knights that had fled. Some had large wounds that assured any who saw it that the man had been impaled. Others had large, bloody holes in their heads, with crossbow bolts stuck in the sides of trees nearby indicating that they had been shot. Then there were the few who were missing some limbs. Where were their parts? Scattered across the ground as icy shards. Kaathe certainly had a busy night, but now he has found some personal respite... Then the sound of hard breathing was heard. Kaathe looked in its direction to see who it was, and found that one more straggler had arrived. The cultist looked injured. Very injured. Cuts and bruises were scattered about and showing through the rips and tears of his garbs. Strangely enough this one had no weapon with him. He leaned on a tree to catch his breath, and the dark elf stood up "[color=0054a6]What's wrong? Get a bit of an injury out there?[/color]" said Kaathe in a calm voice. The cultist's head jolted up to see Kaathe, spear in hand. When the Dark Elf began to walk towards him, the man tried to back away. He tripped on a stone and fell onto his back. He flinched and gasped as his wounds punished him for making such a blunder, allowing Kaathe to close the distance. "[color=0054a6]No problem.[/color]" Kaathe stomped down hard on the cultist's gut. "[color=0054a6]Someone'll take care of you before you know it.[/color]" As the cultist lost consciousness, Kaathe dragged him by the feet over to where he had been resting before. Whatever a crazed religious man was worth, at least there was now someone to interrogate. All he needed to do now was wait for other Knights of the Dawn to pass by.