[b]"HOLD THE INNER GATE! ARCHERS TO THE BATTLEMENTS! GET THW OIL TO THE WALLS!"[/b], Knight-Commander Grathan howled his order in rapid succession as the last surviving defenders of Starguard held back the enemy. Defeat was all but certain, what mattered now was that these men would slay as many of these cultists as possible. If they could thin the ranks, alleviate some danger and provide a sliver of hope for the remains of The Order then this was to be their fate. The main gate of Starguard Keep had already fallen to the enemy, now the Templars had fallen back to the inner wall to defend the keep and the Conclave Hall. During their retreat to the inner keep, those fit enough to do so carried the wounded along with them in the hopes they'd receive aid if they would survive this battle. The injured were placed in the Halls of the Conclave, scores of men scattered about the hall groaning in pain or screaming in agony as what few healers they had attempted to aid them. Unfortunately, with the attack of the dragon the Halls of the Conclave exploded, those who survived the initial blast were killed by the collapse. Knight-Commander Grathan watched in horror as the hall collapsed taking all those poor souls down with it. The battle for the inner keep raged on for quite some time before Grathan began to feel hope they'd survive. That hope was quickly extinguished when a singular ball of light raced towards the heaven before exploding and causing a rain of light. The screaming could be heard far into the forest but as close as Grathan and his men were the screams were much worse. The Commander scrambled over to the walls to see what had transpired to find that that spell which had been cast into the sky resurrected every slain Templar on the battlefield. Those brave men and women screamed as their tortured souls were dragged back to the physical world as slaves to this evil army. Every corpse's eyes glowed green and observing this from such a height Grathan saw a sea of sinister green staring at him. Still the Commander did not break, he returned to his command and continued to give orders to his men. [b]"YOU SEE WHAT THEY DO TO OUR BROTHERS AND SISTERS! YOU HEAR THEIR SCREAMS! LET THAT GIVE YOU THE RESOLUTION TO SEND THEM BACK TO THE AFTERLIFE! LET NOT THEIR FACES HALT YOUR STRIKE! FIGHT ON, FOR THE ORDER AND FOR ALL THE WORLD!"[/b], Grathan's speech managed to shake some of the fear from his men but in their eyes he could see pain. The enemy was upon them now and this was to truly be the end..it mattered not. [hr] The journey to Sharwood village was not to long yet it did held some dangers as stragglers of The Dead God's army stalked the lands. Along the way Evelyn had gained a good bit of her strength back thanks to being able to ride upon Henry, what's more the group had stumbled upon one of their own, Kaathe, whom they took with them and his captive to the nearest safehaven. Now that they were in the village, it was clear the news had already begun to spread. The village was in a state of chaos as those who did not frantically pack to flee scrambled back and forth to defend their home. Walls of spiked logs had been erected, scalding oil was being brewed, some even attempted to dig spike pits along the perimeter of the village. The local militia took up arms with bows, swords, and axes in hand. It was clear that these people would defend their home, but it was also obvious they'd fail in doing so. Even with this fact being known to Evelyn, she'd not be able to lend aid to these people. The group's purpose here was to rest, acquire horses, and collect food for the journey to the nearest Templar fort, Thanermere Keep. The village inn, "The Snow Mare", was surprisingly occupied despite the danger nearing them. However, the drinking done here was not out of merriment but out of woe. This lot knew the harsh reality of what was to come, if they'd not die in defense of the settlement then they'd live lives as vagrants, surviving on what little they had left before inevitably wasting away. The group entered the inn and found themselves a corner to rest at. [color=fff79a][b]"You all wait here, once I learn what I can from the innkeep I'll return with news. In the meantime you should all gain what rest you can, once its time we leave this place with haste"[/b][/color], Evelyn said before leaving to approach the counter. The innkeep was an elderly man, his beard greyed and his eyes holding a sense of wisdom to them. The man eyed Evelyn's armor for he knew what kin wore such arms. He placed a mug atop the counter and was about to pour some mead when Evelyn raised a hand for him to halt. [b]"None other Templars come this way, yet. Hadn't figured any would survive what happened o're at Starguard"[/b], the elder said as he put away the mug. Evelyn glanced back at where her group rested, a sharp sadness came over her. [color=fff79a][b]"So you've heard what has befallen The Order. Why remain? Tis it not dangerous to remain so close?"[/b][/color], she asked as she eyed he door, listening for sounds that might alert danger. [b]"Aye, tis true we folk be targets in war. Still we've no knowledge o' this army an' its intentions. Whose t'say they'd come 'ere? Those who wish to leave may go as they please, those who remain'll keep watch n' warn the remainder 'fore its too late"[/b] [color=fff79a][b]"Tis quite brave of you all, still you shouldn't remain here. My men and I have witnessed what this enemy truly is, an army of darkness serving an unholy cause"[/b][/color] [b]"And where would we go? Once word gets travels the realm all manner o' folk'll travel to the capital. Every village from 'ere to there'll be ripe pickin's for bandits n' marauders. The roads'll all be infested with highwaymen and the wilds are no way to travel 'less you fancy facin' a whole number o' horrors. No Ma'am, my kin an I'll remain. Should them wretches come 'ere then we'll make haste"[/b] Evelyn knew there'd be no convincing these people, this village was all they knew and to abandon it would be to abandon their lives. [color=fff79a][b]"Very well then, may the gods protect you all"[/b][/color], Evelyn's words raised the innkeep'a brow as he began to clean a mug. [b]"You mean to say you lot ain't stayin'? Twas my belief you were 'ere to help defend until more o' ye arrived"[/b], he said quietly so as to not bring attention to their conversation. [color=fff79a][b]"Unfortunately no, my men and I have been given orders to carry word of this attack to the rest of The Order"[/b][/color] [b]"You'll be needin' horses then, food and water too"[/b] [color=fff79a][b]"Help yourself to as much as you like then. Harvest has been kind an we've a surplus. As for horses, Garvy'll be happy to part with his, man's brother is a Templar"[/b][/color] [color=fff79a][b]"My thanks, I shall send word for reinforcements to come here once we reach Thanermere"[/b][/color], Evelyn thanked the innkeeper once more before heading back to her company. [color=fff79a][b]"Good news, the people here offer us their food and horses. Lucien, Glodin, and Cythlla, the man you are to look for is Garvy, he has our horses. Once you've acquired them bring them here. Jeremiah, Halen, Ruinil, the store house has the food we need. Take enough for the road and only enough, these people need it more than we. Kaathe, you stay with me, our captive has some questions to answer"[/b][/color], Evelyn removed her helmet and placed it atop the table before stepping over to where the captured cultist lay unconscious and tied. Evelyn wound back her arm before throwing a brutal punch across the man's face. His pain rivaled only by his fear of what was to happen next.