[quote]That's fine, but this has to be before the RP (IC) starts, then you are either committed or you aren't once the game is going, I don't expect much but a fair level of commitment once the game has started otherwise there will be no point in playing.[/quote] Don't worry about that; I know from my own experience in running games how irritating it can be to not have communication and a level of commitment from your players. Please do rest assured that you'll get plenty of fair warning, or at least a lot of well-thought out and well-explained information from me about any potential leaving or drop-outs. I'm fairly busy this weekend (girlfriend's 30th birthday), so I might not be able to get my char up immediately, but I'll aim to have something for you by Sunday evening GMT at the latest. I already have my aircraft narrowed down, and it's just creating a character and getting familiar with the mechanics - I have only just got back from a vacation, so I'm kind of playing catch up still. [quote]I take it that the planes submitted so far aren't too cartoonish? because we will be bringing in boss mechs and flying fortresses for enemies ala Ace Combat, Fire Shark and Starfox to give fair warning.[/quote] Ace Combat is my favourite franchise - I have an Ace Combat 2 STFS Scarface tattoo on my right bicep, so if things are going more that way, then you'll be in good territory with me. Flying fortresses and boss mecha are totally okay with me. It's when we have coal-powered biplanes that look like something from [url=http://www.cartoonscrapbook.com/01pics-L/dastardlyandmuttley_L09.jpg]Stop The Pigeon[/url] that I'm supposed to accept are on an equivalent level with an F-22 Raptor that I begin to have problems. As long as that doesn't happen we're golden! Just a couple of questions or clarifications - you mention that all the planes have a 'minigun'. I'm guessing by that you don't mean a [url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nG3Hi7K9MU4] minigun as in the anti-personnel weapon, [/url] but instead something more in line with the monstrous [url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=33teK7L4DM4]GAU-8 Avenger[/url] cannon, as seen on the A-10? The second thing that I'm wondering is about aircraft; are we allowed to have, say, heavy aircraft such as large bombers or other multiple-engine 'heavies', for example B-52 bombers, AC-130's etc? I might not take one, but I'm batting some ideas around, and I'd like to know what's allowed or not specifically before I choose. Also, are we allowed multiple load-outs for our planes - for example, in real life aircraft will equip different weapons to their hardpoints depending on what the mission profile is - bombs for some missions, missiles for others, to use a simplified example. Should we list all the weapons our planes are capable of handling, and then state which we're using on a particular mission?