[center][img]http://i.imgur.com/y6vszoI.png[/img][/center] [center][color=8B008B][h2][b]Nigel Ballard[/b][/h2][/color][/center] Overall, the train trip was uneventful to say the least, except for the occasional vomiting by Aiden. [b]"Ugh, I fuckin' hate trains, and cars, and boats, and all the other forms if transportation known to man. Why does this only happen to Dragon Slayers?"[/b] Aiden said before heading to a nearby shrub to finish business with his angry stomach. Although Nigel felt bad for Aiden, it didn't stop him from chuckling at his friend's misfortune. After all was said and done, the trio headed to their destination, the clients mansion. Nigel immediately started feeling strange. He didn't know, but something just gave him a sort of eerie feeling about the whole area in general. [color=8B008B][b]"Mio.[/b][/color] [color=skyblue][b]Yes, master?[/b][/color][color=8B008B][b] Deploy the surveillance MkC's, spread them out around the mansion. Report anything remotely suspicious to me. I don't like this place one bit,"[/b][/color] Nigel finished his little inner conversation with Mio and turned his attention to Aiden who was already dishing on the client. [color=8B008B][b]"Hey, don't go calling people names out of nowhere. The guy might have been in a hurry or something. I know if someone was out to kill me and I couldn't do anything about it, it'd be pretty pissed,"[/b][/color] Nigel told Aiden before spotting a young, tall man, coming out of the mansion, slowly hobbling his way towards the front gate. After waiting a couple of minutes for the man to open all the locks placed on the front gate, he told them to follow him inside the mansion. Or what would have been a mansion, if there was anything in it. There were no furniture of any sorts, nothing that one would probably find placed on the lobby of a big house like that. Then, the man slowly and silently walked up the stairs, with the trio closely following behind. At that time, Nigel was seriously beginning to think the place was abandoned because he failed to see how anyone would be able to live inside the place. However, his questions were soon answered as the young butler opened a door and signaled them to enter a room. And what a room that was. If someone asked Nigel to define the word "contradiction," Nigel would only have to show them a picture of that room and then one of the rest of the mansion's interior. The room was filled with all sorts of valuable goods, a sight that would surely make any greedy merchant's mouth water. Nigel also noticed a short, round man, quickly pacing around the room, seemingly stressed about something. Nigel figured that he was their client. [b]*cough cough*[/b] Nigel coughed, trying to get the man to notice them.