[color=0072bc]“Fuck! Hes dead!” yelled one of the nexus soldiers, unslinging his rifle over his back as he removed his fingers from the dead man’s neck. He walked over to the second corpse, but it didn’t take a doctor to tell that she was very dead. A .308 round to the face generally did that. He looked around at his friends, who were standing there, looking dumbly at the bodies. …idiots. “Come on!” he moaned, as he grabbed the legs of the nearest corpse. “We need to get these two inside before any militia see them!” The nearby fighters nodded dumbly and walked over to help. Between the six of them, they were able to get the two corpses behind the nightclub. It was dark. The few people who attended the nightclub would simply think they were drunk. The music in there was so loud that it would be a miracle if they even heard the gunshots. Several other nexus members were round the back. They had heard what was going on. A young straw haired woman was in the corner, attempting to avoid everyone’s eye. The leader of the squad noticed her and couldn’t remember seeing her before. Another man stepped out of the back door, wearing a black suit and tie. This was Alexei Kerrat, the founder of the nexus, utopia soldier and, it was rumoured, former go-between for the utopia commanders and the cabal themselves. None of that anymore though. Just waiting in a nightclub recording the people that they hid from the new order. How the mighty had fallen. “A man runs into our territory, and, and I quote, was like “a man possessed”. Then, when he gets close, he is gunned down merely a few metres from our HQ. Then, the assassin is shot dead by you lot, in plain sight, before we can get any reasons for the killing?” Alexei was clearly irritated and gave the group a piercing stare to accompany it. “Er...yeah.” “Well, at least you had the decency to move the bodies. You didn’t completely cock this all up…” “Er, sir?” said one of the squad. “He said something before he…well….” The soldier shuffled nervously. “…expired. He said, “Look closer at it all. Erm…” He shuffled again. Alexei looked at him as if he had suggested that the new order had weaponised trees. “And that tells us….what? Hm? That we should look closer at what? Don’t waste my time with the delirious words of a dying man. Now we just need to decide what to do with…” The woman took a nervous step forward. The leader of the squad was surprised to see that now, that they were not hiding their face from the rest of the group, that she was actually a man, although quite a pretty one. His eyes widened, and the man noticed. “Erm…please don’t stare at me. I was…er…” He cleared his throat, before pointing at the corpses. “Did you…check their pockets?” He said, kneeling down and going through the pockets of one of them, while a nearby soldier went through the second. After a few moments, they had a pen, a small piece of string, a mobile phone, a wallet, a 1911 handgun and a silenced machine pistol, a small computer disk and a half finished packet of fruit chews. The straw-haired man picked up the machine pistol, which had been used to end the runner’s life, and checked the outside of it, before ejecting the magazine and looking inside the weapon. “Anything interesting about it, Andrew?” Andrew looked up, holding the weapon up. “It’s rough and worn, something the lost would sell to you. But if you look carefully…” he said as he angled the weapon so the others could see into the gap where the magazine would usually go. “On the inside, its hardly worn or used at all. This isn’t a lost weapon, far from it. Someone has taken a lot of effort to rough up the outside of this weapon, but to keep the inside pristine, so it looks like your standard street gun, but doesn’t explode in your hand when you pull the trigger.” Andrew gulped a little as he realised that everyone was looking at him, but to his credit, he was able to continue. “This assassin must be New Order. But this is pretty hard to create stuff. Why would they put something like this in the hands of a simple assassin? They want us to think this man died in a mugging gone wrong or something, but why?”[/color] ______________________________ [color=ed145b]He sat at his desk, his head in his hands. The fucker had got away. His unit had lost contact with their operative, and the kill had not been confirmed. “Oh god…hes with them…” he whispered to himself. This couldn’t happen. He would not let a single traitor ruin everything. He had to act fast, but god….what could he do? He knew where he was. But…the orders…they could not touch that place…it could spark… God! Everything he could do, the downsides outnumbered the upsides! He couldn’t do anything…nothing at all… “…no.” he said quietly to himself. He was not powerless. He knew what he had to do. His superiors would be angry, but this was for the new order… [i]“I have to do this….i have to do this…I have to do this…”[/i] he whispered, as he picked up the nearest phone and dialled a number he knew by heart. “Sir?” [i]“I have to do this…”[/i] “Priority alert level five. Mobilise the unit, strike the main base of the resistance cell known as “Nexus”. [i]“I have to do this…”[/i] “Sir…is that wise, usually we need to…” “I am giving you an override! You have your orders! Set that entire street on fire! Do you understand me? My men will send the relevant files you will need.” [i]“I have to do this…”[/i] “…yes sir. We will move out immediately.” He put the phone down. He knew the magnitude of what he had just done, so he bowed his head and said a few words that he had devoted everything to. “For the New Order.” [/color]