Everything happened too quickly, Eli was hardly aware as she retreated from the decimated tank. The explosions couldn't have all been from them, a few had come from beyond the cloud, and only when she was clear did it don on her what Madison had done. She felt her stomach twist itself into a knot. [color=00aeef]"Oh my god,"[/color] she whimpered, and was immediately thankful that she hadn't been broadcasting. At least, not on the main line. [color=662d91]"What happened?"[/color] came Vera's cautious inquiry. [color=662d91]"Lizzy? Is everything everything okay? Is everyone--"[/color] Eli cleared her throat, nodding her head as though the girl huddled up on the other end of the radio could see her. [color=00aeef]"Everyo--everything's fine, Vera. We got the bad guys."[/color] [color=662d91]"You did! Hah! I knew you would. Don't stand a chance against [i][b]my[/b][/i] big sis."[/color] [color=00aeef]"Y--you know it Vi. I've gotta..."[/color] Eli had to hold back the urge to curse herself for the way her hands were shaking. She couldn't take her eyes off of the wreckage of the tanks, knowing that somewhere in there, the Mad-E was stalled. She listened to the Captain talk, giving them new orders, and from Vera's silence Eli knew the girl was listening as well. She wondered if Vera could pick up on the Captain's strained voice, the girl was clever, she could recognize worry fairly well. Eli turned her attention to Swarm. Joe was still alive from what she could tell, but from what he said and just from the brief scan of his NC, she didn't have faith that he would be doing much for the remainder of the mission. That done, she nearly headed off towards team B's location without a second thought before passing the wreckage brought the pit in her stomach back to the front of her mind. [color=00aeef]"I gotta go for a bit, Vi,"[/color] Eli said, slowing down. [color=662d91]"M'kay! Go kick some more ass--butt!"[/color] As the connection cut, Blur veered off to the side back towards the wreckage, and she opened comms once again with the team/HQ. [color=00aeef]"This is Blur to NC Mad-E, requesting pilot status-report."[/color] Eli didn't expect a response, but casting out her line was worth the shot. She wasn't sure if she was on a clock or not, but just as had happened with Bishop and Rook, Eli feared there was some sort of dead-man's bomb within the tanks as well. If Mad-E was still in there amidst the smoke, then she was still in danger. [color=9e0b0f]Forget her. You have a mission to complete.[/color] [color=00aeef]I'm not leaving.[/color] [color=9e0b0f]You're disobeying a [b][i]direct[/i][/b] order.[/color] [color=00aeef]We can't afford to lose an NC, I'm salvaging Smith's Rest property.[/color] [color=9e0b0f]You're being soft.[/color] Eli ground her teeth together, clenched the controls so tightly she felt her hands might split around them. As Blur was once again consumed by the smoke cloud, she found her targeting system, as fine-tuned as it was, had no luck in spotting anything wreckage or otherwise, she'd have to rely on her eyes. Or rather, Blur's eyes. The air was thick, too thick to make out any solid shapes, but a small distance away she saw firelight dancing, albeit faintly. Drawing closer, Eli spotted the remains of the tank, and her urgency grew. Now she too was close enough to be caught by any after-grave explosives, and even if there wasn't anything to tell her she was running out of time, there was no way to ignore the creeping danger. Coming around, it was easy enough to make out the smaller form of the Mad-E nearby. Blur got in front of her, placed her hands upon either of Mad-E's shoulders --careful not to press too hard-- and slowly began to move out of the cloud using the boosters on her back. The process took a good minute or so, but she didn't want to risk trying to air-lift the damaged NC, in case the cockpit was loose, or something volatile fell. When at last the two would emerge out into the open air again, Blur tried not to linger too long overlooking the Mad-E's damage. [color=00aeef]It's fine, it's what the armor is there for. I'll bet the inside is in perfect condition.[/color] [color=9e0b0f]Cute.[/color] [color=00aeef]"Blur to NC Mad-E, respond if-- shit, forget it. Command, this is Blur. Madison isn't responding, I think Swarm might be right. Please advise."[/color] Eli sat back for a moment. quiet, before radio static snapped her back again. She expected the Captain's voice, but instead, once again, it was Vera. [color=662d91]"Maybe you should go get her, Lizzy,"[/color] the girl said, and Eli made a mental note to make sure the radio was off the next time she meant to cut the connection. Vera went on. [color=662d91]"Y'know like get out an' see if she's actually alright in there. I mean... if you can get inside..."[/color] Get inside? Eli didn't even know where to start with that. Then again if Madison really was hurt, staying inside a damaged NC likely wasn't doing her any favors. [color=00aeef]"Thanks Vi,"[/color] she said. The idea was fairly outlandish, but if push came to shove, and Madison needed medical attention, getting just her back would be far faster than transporting the Mad-E as a whole. Eli decided to wait for further orders, and then act from there.