Lucien, having grabbed and paid for a mug of ale, grumbled a bit, as he was forced to leave his drink half-finished at Evelyn's order for him to go find Garvy. [color=goldenrod]"Yes, ma'am,"[/color] Then continued into a quiet mumble. [color=goldenrod]"Not like I just bought a drink or anything..."[/color] He knew there were far more pressing matters, but he hadn't had anything to drink in several hours, and coupled with the still partially-full container taunting him, he made a rather rash decision... which involved his beard becoming laced with beads of alcohol within a moment. He stood now, waiting on the other three that were to go with him. [color=goldenrod]"Alright, soldiers! We need to find this Garvy fellow, unless we all decide it's a good idea to march all the way to Thanermere, and that's at least a day on horseback."[/color] Assuming Glodin and Cythlla would follow, he made his way across the room to the door, debating if he should get back at Halen for the comment on his crossbow. For the moment, he decided against it. Now all that he needed to do was search for one man in a village in a chaotic scramble with a dwarf and a necromancer... why Evelyn thought it ideal that he have a demon child in his party, he'd never know.