Cap'n responded to everything over the comms, [color=8882be]"G-good points, good points. Swarm, Blur, check the inside. There should be an emergency compartment right below your seats, crowbar is inside. Use it if you have to, break the damn door if you must. Oh, Joe, there's technically a parachute too."[/color] Well, it seems like the Captain was going back to her mildly snarky ways, perhaps it's better then it looks on the squad's end? [color=8882be]"After that, secure the Mad-E and try to get its' pilot, and the unit itself, back to base. I don't care if you have to drag it back by its' feet, just figure something out. Now, I have to help team B, do as ordered. Out."[/color] She then switched over to team B, and began giving out orders and info. [color=8882be]"Team B, Team A was originally going to come and try to assist, but, well... unforeseen incident. In any case, We're recieving info on the 'Bloody Champ', she's part of a duo, second unit is likely coming in any minute now. B.C. itself is a dedicated anti-armor unit, mounts Denver-Vegas short range mortars internally. If possible, go for a soft-kill, take out the cockpit. Very good scrap. Secondary unit is... well we aren't getting too much info. Apparently a sneaky bastard. In any case, prioritize the defense of the train. Out."[/color] She deactivated her earpiece again and sighed, holding the bridge of her nose. [color=8882be]"This shit is so surreal... Did any of you idiots spike my drink?"[/color]