"I fear not death, strike me down and I shall be made a martyr for the one true god!", the cultist tried his best to hide the fear that lay within him as he shouted at Kaathe and Evelyn. Evelyn punched the man once more before grabbing him by his shirt and slamming him down onto the table. The innkeep immediately glaced up to see what was the cause of the commotion but quickly returned to his duties once he realized what was happening. [color=fff79a]"Oh I intend to, but first you are to answer our questions"[/color], Evelyn unsheathed her dagger and handed it to Kaathe, the entire time eyeing the prisoner to ensure he didn't attempt to escape. [color=fff79a]"Hold it to him, should he make a move against us you are to end him"[/color], Evelyn ordered as she stepped back from the cultist to give room for Kaathe to move in. "[color=0054a6]With all due respect, ma'am[/color]", said Kaathe, taking the dagger in hand and inspecting it. "[color=0054a6]He's a cultist. Death in the name of whatever he's into is an honor for him...Still, your orders are absolute.[/color]" Kaathe Tossed the dagger into the air. He caught it by the blade and flipped it again, catching it by the handle. He held it up to the cultist's neck, pressing it lightly against the flesh. Not enough to draw blood, but enough for the man to feel the sharpness just waiting to slide through him. "[color=0054a6]By your leave, Ma'am[/color]" said the Dark Elf. Evelyn didn't have to think hard about what to ask, as soon as Kaathe gave the word she began pressing the cultist for answers, [color=fff79a]"Why has your organization attacked The Order? What purpose are they fulfilling and for who? Who leads them?"[/color]. The prisoner scowled at the two Templars, refusing to answer, but instead reply, "I'd rather die than betray my brothers, so you and your minions can go fuck off. Die for whatever false gods you believe in". Despite his bold words the cultist was more afraid than defiant, his hopes had been if he'd hold back long enough they'd leave him or set their guard low enough for him to escape. "[color=0054a6]Well, well. Such a lively man who wishes to become a martyr.[/color]" Kaathe didn't take much time when he stabbed the cultist's leg. He had handled the blade swiftly and skillfully. Enough for the blade to stab into the flesh and bone, and return to its original position on the man's neck. This wound alone would be painful, however, this man had just been taken out of a battle, and had several wounds already. Knowing this, Kaathe had stabbed the leg horizontally, in order to connect some of the wounds that were already there. if those old lacerations had healed in any way before, they were opened again. The cultist screamed in agony as blood flowed from his leg, his cries were so loud the entire inn went silent as all within silenced themselves to learn what happened. The innkeeper himself was not surprised by the sudden scream and quickly called for everyone to leave, [b]"Alright, inn's closed, all you lot leave them be"[/b]. Once the place had cleared out the innkeeper shot a reassuring look at Evelyn who returned the gesture before bringin her attention back to the interrogation. [color=fff79a]"Let's try this again shall we. Who leads that army? What are they planning?"[/color], Evelyn's words were cold and she seemed to have transformed into an entirely different person. Indeed, the sudden attack on Starguard and the destruction of the Commanders weighed eavilyon her and a powerful anger grew within her. "We serve Sar'than, The Dead God, he will cleanse this world of our wrong doings and it shall be born anew" [color=fff79a]"Sar'than? I've not heard of that name"[/color] "Tis because he is before you! He is before all of us! His return has been foretold and you'd be wise not to stand in his way!", the cultist stopped speaking only because the pain had grown intolerable. He began to groan in pain and Evelyn took this time to convene with Kaathe on the matter. [color=fff79a]"Sar'than. Sounds Renmer but I've not heard of him before. Know anything about him?"[/color], she asked as she watched the prisoner writhe in pain. Kaathe chuckled to himself after hearing the cultist spout something about serving a Dead God. This man was just like the dark elf had imagined. a deranged fool, risking his own life for something that just made no sense. A dead god? What idiocy. Still, it did pique his curiosity. Just who did these cultists think their idol was, if they were even willing to slaughter and die for it? His leader's curiosity seemed to have been piqued as well, for she asked if he knew anything about him. Kaathe was a knight that heard many rumors, but dead gods were not among them. "[color=0054a6]I'm afraid that I don't. But, I think this man is willing to explain?[/color]" Kaathe pressed the blade down with a bit more pressure, and held the cultist's head in place so the man would't accidentally get slit. Kaathe grinned a calm grin, and asked him, "[color=0054a6]Please, tell us a bit more about your god.[/color]" The cultist hesitated at first but once the pain from his leg reminded him of the price for being hesitant he began to speak once more, "The Dead God, long before her kin set foot in these lands, he was the one true god. The last of the divines, he came to purge this world of the suffering it's people endured and now he has come again to finish his holy work. Savor these moments for they are your last on this earth! Once he's removed the false shepards he will open the way to salvation! The Gate of Aurum shall open, the worlds shall merge, and the Dead God's chosen will flourish in the new world!". Evelyn pressed her fingers to her temple as she tried to make sense of this man's ramblings. [color=fff79a]"We'll learn nothing more from him, perhaps we'll learn more once we reach Thanermere"[/color], Evelyn sat down at the table and thought for a moment on at to do with a now useless prisoner. [color=fff79a]"Kaathe, I've an idea as to what shall be this man's fate. Be that as it may, I'd prefer to hear your opinion on what shall become of him"[/color], Evelyn asked with hateful eyes pointed at the cultist. "[color=0054a6]Honestly, I could care less about him. He's just a man who's destined to die at some point.[/color]" replied Kaathe. "[color=0054a6]Whether he dies now or later doesn't matter to me.[/color]" Although Kaathe said, this, he didn't want to just let him go. After all, they went through all this trouble. Just killing him wouldn't really change much of their situation...Although there were others that might be able to put him to better use. Kaathe sighed, as he really wasn't used to thoughts such as these, but the villagers were kind enough to give them what they needed. Why not try to repay them? Kaathe sighed before saying, "[color=0054a6]I'm not usually one for ideas such as these...but why not allow the villagers to decide his fate?[/color]" Evelyn thought it over for a moment before nodding in approval, [color=fff79a]"Very well then, once everyone is back with what we have we'll hand this bastard over to the villagers. I have a feeling they'll deal with him accordingly. For the moment we should tie him up and set him in the corner. We wouldn't want him to wander off now"[/color]. Kaathe nodded as he removed the dagger from the man's throat and handed it back to Evelyn. "[color=0054a6]Lucky you.[/color]" he said to the cultist. "[color=0054a6]Here's a parting gift from us to you.[/color]" Kaathe threw the man onto the floor and stomped hard onto his gut again. The force behind knocked the cultist into unconsciousness once more. Grabbing some more rope, Kaathe proceeded to bind the man so that he could not possibly escape whatever fate the villagers decided.