[center][h1]Cyano Conablum[/h1][/center] Cyano turned her back to the reflected shots. All five hit, but were instantly dissipated by the Saber cloth her clothes were made of. Now she wasn't sure what to think, that thing had stopped the one with the gun, and spoke to her. However he also used her own shots against her. He could be justified, considering she had shot first after all. Cyano decided to risk speaking to it. "I can be a threat with openings like that. If your wanting me to be. Suddenly a shot went off. The girl pointing a gun at her had shot a building, causing it to collapse. "Be careful with that thing. You might hurt yourself" Cyano grinned. It was a weak insult, but from how she acted, it was doubtful she would need much more to get under her skin. Cyano turned back to the thing in the sky. "So, I'll give you an option. Either you tell me who you are, and we start over with out guns drawn, or, your girl over there takes the shot, and two out of three of us end up dead." Cyano thought about it for a moment. Perhaps it was best not to use her usual straightforwardness. Doubtful it would work on this thing, though it did work on her brothers. And this thing was obviously in charge of something. It probably would be best to cut straight to the chase, rather then beat around the bush with trivialities and formalities and otherities. What ever those were. "Now, before you answer. I saw you beat that thing just a moment ago. A tough looking thing too. Sort of sad I couldn't catch the whole fight. But no doubt your the type to go on and on about your "power". I've dealt with your type at least once before. So I'll go on record to say I have fought, and beat, worse looking beasts. I can bet you I've even [b]made[/b] worse then that thing, all by accident. So think carefully on what you say" Intimidation. A tried and true tactic. Most of her boast was true. She had beaten some pretty terrible things. That being said, without watching the whole fight she wasn't sure if they actually were worse or not. But she had definitely made worse. Oh my that thing, that explosion loving cat faced thing... She should have killed it when she had a chance. Well, it did have a use now. If things got bad, maybe she could find a way home, teleport it in, and watch this world burn... Nah, maybe it would be a bit more interesting actually doing something for herself this time.