Wreaths of scorching fire enveloped her form as she did battle with that ethereal beauty. That long haired girl who had dishonored her house long ago. The rules of the duel enforced in this land was long discarded, there was only their brutal attempts to murder each other. A white ball streaked towards Mokou, taking off her right arm in the process. It seemed she was getting slower due to fatigue. The long haired girl was tired as well it seemed. She had stopped shooting, hovering just a distance away, grinning and looking very pleased with herself though she herself had lost her left leg in the battle. Mokou would comment on that grin being unfit for a fair maiden and princess, but she realized she was wearing the same grin herself. Why was it that she felt so alive fighting with her? [hr] [b]Bern, Switzerland[/b] [color=ed1c24]"I'm going to rip out your heart and shove it in your rectum! Kaguya!" [/color]She screamed, wreathing herself and the area around her in a huge pillar of flames. Which promptly fizzled out when Mokou realized where she was. [color=ed1c24]"Eh?"[/color] She looked around in utter confusion.[color=ed1c24] "Kaguya?"[/color] Only the scurrying of some scared animals answered her. She didn't seem to be in the bamboo forest anymore, or in Gensokyo for that matter. Old dilapidated buildings and ruined streets... All of this seemed to be the outside human's stuffs. Gensokyo didn't have any of these. Perhaps it was a forgotten section of the outside? Forgotten things often make their way to Gensokyo after all. But if so Kaguya would be here as well. Fujiwara no Mokou raised her left hand to what remains of her right arm. The stump was healing, blood had stopped gushing out, but it was obvious from that and the fatigue she still felt that not much time had passed since her battle with Kaguya. It was as if she simply popped into this world by accident. That does mean she may be able to find something to allow her to pop back to Gensokyo however. [i]The Hakurei shrine maiden may want to know about this,[/i] she thought, as she flew upwards to get a bearing on her position.