[center][h2]Phoenix Wing's Unstoppable Duo[/h2][h3]Isabella and Bullet[/h3][/center] [Hider=Isabella Pinelli, The Mechanical Composer][center][h1][color=MediumPurple]Isabella Pinelli[/color][/h1][h3][color=purple]~[/color] The Mechanical Composer [color=purple]~[/color][/h3][img]http://orig14.deviantart.net/013a/f/2013/090/5/1/contest__steampunk_challenge_by_caroucom-d5zy8ub.png[/img] [h3][color=purple]"[/color][color=silver][i]The sweet sound of battle! Now, let me hear you sing![/i][/color][color=purple]"[/color][/h3] [color=purple]~[/color] Character Theme | [url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-V4h7zfoZDI][color=MediumPurple]Marionette Purple[/color][/url] [color=purple]~[/color] [i][color=silver]Isabella is a young lady who stands at about 5'8" and weighs around 59kg. She's very slender and delicate in appearance, but do not let this fool you. Isabella has been a performer from a very young age, and her body is well suited for the physically demanding act of dance. She is slightly toned, and sports very strong legs. Her complexion is average, with rather smooth skin and a line of freckles mapping her cheeks and nose. Her hair is light pink in color, and she has azure eyes. She wears very traditional clothing, reminiscent of her families social stature. A white, button up blouse trapped beneath a brown, leather corset is her usual attire. She wears short pink leggings with this, usually masqueraded by a large, frilly skirt that reaches down to her ankles. The skirt parts to the side, revealing her thigh high white stockings and brown leather boots.[/color][/i][/center][hr][b][u]Family Name[/u][/b] [i]Pinelli[/i] [u]Given Name(s)[/u] [i]Isabella Liliana[/i] [u]Title or Alias(s)[/u] [i]The Mechanical Composer, The Lady of Machina[/i] [u]Gender[/u] [i]Female[/i] [u]Sexuality[/u] [i]Heterosexual[/i] [u]Age[/u] [i]21[/i] [u]Birthday[/u] [i]16th of August, Leo[/i] [b][u]Allignment[/u][/b] [i]Chaotic Good[/i] [u]Motivation[/u] [i]To dance upon every great battlefield and show the world what she's capable of![/i] [u]Likes[/u][list] [*] [i]Music and Dance[/i] [*] [i]Inventing[/i] [*] [i]Opera[/i] [*] [i]Pretty clothing[/i] [*] [i]Honest people[/i][/list][u]Dislikes[/u][list] [*] [i]Liars[/i] [*] [i]Closed minded individuals[/i] [*] [i]Uniforms[/i] [*] [i]Heights[/i][/list] [b][u]Personality[/u][/b] [i][color=silver]Eccentric and Hyperactive, Isabella is not one for subtlety and insists on living her life at full volume. She's a passionate individual who is eager to befriend, and near impossible to offend. She can come off as a little socially awkward at first, what with her rather intrusive personality and the strange way she speaks of her Machina as if they were real people. If you're willing to look past all of that, she reveals herself to be quite an empathetic person with her own fair shares of woes. However her upbeat attitude despite her struggles is down right inspiring to others. She has a strange habit of bringing out the best in those around her through her unconditional love and acceptance, which causes her friends to want to grow closer to her. Isabella keeps Bullet in line, calming his temper down and stopping him from tearing apart anyone who so much as looks at him funny. In truth, she's grown quite fond of him over the years they've known each other. However she is quick to shut down any rumors of the two of them being involved romantically; insisting that the nature of their relationship is platonic.[/color][/i] [b][u]Guild Allegiance[/u][/b] [i]Phoenix Wing[/i] [u]Guild Mark Location[/u] [i]On her right thigh[/i] [u]Team Members[/u] [i]Bullet[/i] [u]Magic Level[/u] [i]A Rank[/i] [u]Strengths[/u][list] [*] [i]High reserves of Magic Power[/i] [*] [i]Incredibly intelligent and creative[/i] [*] [i]Very fast and nimble[/i][/list][u]Weaknesses[/u][list] [*] [i]Lacks physical strength and stamina of other fighters[/i] [*] [i]Reliant on Machina, which aren't as reliable in tough environmental conditions.[/i] [*] [i]Low endurance. Can't take too many hits.[/i][/list] [b][u]Magic Specialty[/u][/b] [i]The Machina Orchestra (Requip)[/i] [u]Description[/u] [i]The Machina Orchestra is a self named magic that is also known as Machina Make magic. Through utilising scrap metal and parts, the wielder is able to create magical contraptions powered and controlled by their magic. Their effects vary, and Isabella combines her Machina Make with Requip magic in order to store her creations. However, she permanently keeps two Machina on her at all times; Alto and Basso. Alto is a a pair of mechanical devices that sit on her shoulder blades. When activated, a pair of Machina arms and hands extend from behind her to be used in combat. Basso is a similar pair of devices, attached to her hips, that create a pair of Machina legs to be used in combat. The length of these limbs is about two meters.[/i] [Hider=The Machina Orchestra | Spells][b][u]Alto[/u][/b] [i]Alto is a pair of Machina arms that can be retracted into a set of mechanical devices that rest upon Isabella's shoulder blades. They reach out to about two meters and are very durable. While normally carrying around such contraptions would impede upon a persons weight, Alto is controlled through The Machina Orchestra and thus feels weightless when in use.[/i] [indent][indent][list] [*][u]Alto: Verismo[/u] [i]A quick series of forward, thrusting strikes from Alto. The force behind every impact is enough to push Isabella away slightly; allowing her to maintain a safe distance from adversaries.[/i] [*][u]Alto: Allegretto[/u] [i]A delayed, two handed uppercut with Alto. Slow to start up, but the velocity of the attack is enhanced with magic. Devastating to anyone caught in it; sending them flying high into the sky.[/i] [*][u]Alto: Forte[/u] [i]A delayed, two handed downward swing with Alto. Slow to start, but the velocity of the attack is enhanced with magic. Powerful enough to crush through any weak defense with a powerful impact.[/i] [*][u]Alto: Collosale[/u] [i]A magic propelled punch with the right Alto, followed up by the left Alto grabbing the victim as they are flying away and throwing them towards the ground using their momentum.[/i][/list][/indent][/indent] [b][u]Basso[/u][/b] [i]A pair of Machina legs that can be retracted into a pair of devices resting at Isabella's hips. Unlike Alto, Basso is used for mobility and keeping Isabella out of harms way. The feet are equipped with magic powered jets to allow for brief hovering. Like Alto, the weight burden of Basso is lifted through Isabella's magic.[/i] [indent][indent][list][*] [u]Basso: Vivace[/u] [i]The magic powered jets angle them self forward, propelling back Isabella a few meters. Can be used to propel her forward as well.[/i] [*][u]Basso: Crescendo[/u] [i]Basso's magically powered jets propel Isabella up into the air. From here she can glide back or forth for a few moments before falling. She can use Basso to land.[/i] [*][u]Basso: Decrescendo[/u] [i]While in the air, Basso reverses the direction of their magic powered jets, thrusting Isabella legs first towards the ground. Basso prepares themselves so that she lands safely. It's not recommended to stand in the way of her jet powered kick.[/i][/list][/indent][/indent] [b][u]Soprano[/u][/b] [i]A set of three large, Machina gears. They can be summoned individually or as a set. Each gear is smaller than the last, allowing them to all fit into each other perfectly. The gears and be rotated at high speeds in almost any direction. Anyone who comes into contact with Soprano in motion will receive quite the thrashing.[/i] [indent][indent][list][*][u]Mezzo-Soprano[/u] [i]Summons forth the two smaller gears of Soprano and propels them forward at high velocity to strike Isabella's opponent. The gears disappear after they attack.[/i] [*][u]Spinto Soprano[/u] [i]Summons forth the largest gear of Soprano. There are crevices on the gear where Alto and Basso can connect to; allowing Isabella to sit inside Soprano while it spins. This acts as a pseudo method of transportation and can be quite the powerful attack to anyone standing in the way of the spinning gear.[/i] [*][u]Coloratura Soprano[/u] [i]Summons the set of Soprano to rotate rapidly in front of Isabella before firing themselves off as deadly fast wheels. The Soprano can change direction at Isabella's command and can attack in unison with other gears to apply heavy pressure on Isabella's opponents as they have to watch all three spinning gears.[/i] [*][u]Soprano: Cantabile[/u] [i]The most powerful attack of Soprano. Requires Isabella's enemy to be immobilised (Either by her Alto, or another means). Summons forth the three gears of Soprano directly onto her target, trapping them inside the cogs. The position is incredibly uncomfortable, and the threat of being torn to ribbons at any moment by Soprano is usually enough to keep her captive at bay.[/i][/list][/indent][/indent] [b][u]Maestoso[/u][/b] [i]A giant, Machina arm that is approximately six meters long, and about two meters wide. The arm is incredibly heavy and hard to maneuver, even with the help of Isabella's magic. However, Maestoso proves to be a quite useful ace in the hole for when the situation requires a less subtle touch. Because of the amount of power it takes to maintain Maestoso after it is summoned, the weapon disappears after every attack in order to save magic.[/i] [indent][indent][list][*][u]Maestoso: Con Spirito[/u] [i]Summons Maestoso directly in front of Isabella from the ground, instantly punching upwards with a magically propelled strike.[/i] [*][u]Maestoso: Con Moto[/u] [i]Summons Maestoso above the target location, delivering a quick, downward punch to pummel any unsuspecting victims from a distance.[/i] [*][u]Maestoso: Con Brio[/u] [i]Summons Maestoso behind Isabella's target, delivering a quick, powerful strike to an unsuspecting victim. The impact propels them forward towards Isabella for follow up attacks.[/i] [*][u]Maestoso: Con Amore[/u] [i]Summons Maestoso underneath Isabella's target, quickly reaching up and grabbing them in the mechanical fist. Maestoso then slams downwards, violently throwing the victim to the ground with massive impact.[/i] [*][u]Maestoso: Con Fuoco[/u] [i]Summons Maestoso directly in front of Isabella, with the index finger of the large mechanical fist pointed outward. From the tip of the finger, a stream of oil propels out and drenches everything it touches. The oil heavily slows down the movement of anyone caught within it. After a brief delay, Maestoso fires out a small ball of flame that ignites the oil and sets everything ablaze in a raging inferno.[/i][/list][/indent][/indent] [b][u]Deus Ex Machina![/u][/b] [i]Isabella's most powerful technique, which she describes as "The Grand Finale". Summoning forth a large Machina contraption below her targets; a large dome quickly closes above them, trapping them inside the great machine. On the side of the machine is a panel filled with levers and buttons which Isabella can press at random. Each button causes an Alto, Basso, Soprano or Maestoso inside of the machine to deliver a barrage of strikes against the victims caught within. Each press of a button drains magic power from Isabella, but it is safe to assume that anyone unfortunate to be caught within Deus Ex Machina will be unable to fight for a while.[/i][/hider] [b][u]History[/u][/b] [i][color=silver]The Pinelli family is a regal group of individuals who are known for their exceptionally talented kin. They are a family of famous performers, whose legacy has been upheld for generations. Isabella Pinelli was no exception to this fate. As a long lady, it was expected of her to train in the art of dance and opera from the moment she could walk. While other children played, she mastered her technique and was ready to perform on stage with her family by the young age of eight. The group of them blew the minds of individuals across the country, and they continued to exist as world renowned dancers. Isabella loved being on stage, and she was grateful for the training her parents gave her. However, her parents only had room for one love in their life; the dance, or their daughter. It was clear what their decision was. Isabella's purpose was to dance and continue their legacy. She was never met with love or gratitude for what she did. It was just expected of her to do it. She quickly grew to be resentful of her parents and would often refuse to practice. Her parents took her words as empty threats, telling her that there was no room in the family for those who refused to perform. They told her that she belonged on the stage, and without it she was nothing. Out of fear of being kicked from the family, she continued her training rigorously and would dance when asked. Her life on the stage was a happy one; where she could forget all of her troubles. However, a performance can't last forever, and sooner or later she would have to face the harsh criticism of her parents. The older she grew, the less impressed her parents were. No matter how amazing the audience found her; in her parents eyes she was mediocre. It made her furious to see the hard work she was putting in be unrecognised. One night as she was strolling through the town, her purse was stolen by a masked street rat. Not the type of person to sit there and do nothing, Isabella dashed after her assailant. Her years of training had made her legs quite strong, and she could easily keep up with the thief. Cornered, the thief removed his mask to reveal that he was a boy only a few years younger than Isabella. He smiled mischievously, quite impressed that she would chase him. Isabella took her purse back from him and left. He called after her, "Catch you around sometime, beautiful?". His words echoed in her mind in the coming days. He was a repulsive, thieving little miscreant. So why was she so intrigued by him? Could it be that for once there was some excitement in her life off of the stage? She didn't show up to her next training. Instead, she sought out the young thief out of curiosity. She walked into an alleyway to find him being assaulted by a group of three men. They were talking about how he'd never live to steal from them again. "Leave him alone!" She called out without thinking, charging at the men even despite only being a little girl. The men smirked at her, and she was easily taken down to the ground. She thought that it would be the end of her, when the young boys screams of rage echoed through the alleyway. She remembered the sound of the two other men screaming. There were loud, heavy thuds. The clash of metal. Then silence. The man that was apprehending Isabella ran in fear, crying of the "monster" in the alleyway. Isabella stared up at the thief boy. He was an entirely different person. His eyes flared red and he was covered in his own blood, as well as the thugs. He was like a feral animal. And yet, he held his hand out to Isabella. "You okay, beautiful?" He said with a smile. Isabella took his hand, and has never looked back since. The boy introduced himself as 'Bullet', which was quite a strange name for a young boy. Although Isabella wasn't the type to judge. The two of them ran away together, living off the road using Isabella's gift as a performer to earn money. They were only children, but they got by. Bullet grew very fond of Isabella, insisting that she deserved something better. So the two set off to join a wizarding guild; coming across Phoenix Wing in their travels. They were young, inexperienced and not to mention Isabella had no magical ability or training whatsoever. Yet that didn't deter the guild from accepting them. Growing up as members of the Guild, Isabella became immensely interested in magic among other things. Being able to study whatever she wanted, Isabella grew very fond of engineering and became a very intelligent person within time. Of coarse, she had help from the other Guild Members who were teaching her to use magic. She combined her newfound magical talents with her knowledge on Machina to create a completely new form of magic she aptly named The Machina Orchestra. Even now, she still finds time to dance and her performances are adored by the other guild members. Although no one loves to watch her perform more than Bullet does. The two have become infamous within Phoenix Wing as "The Unstoppable Duo", combining Isabella's skill and intellect with Bullet's immense physical prowess and hardheadedness.[/color][/i][/hider] [Hider=Bullet, the Beast][center][h1][color=FireBrick]Bullet[/color][/h1][h3][color=Orange]~[/color] The Beast [color=Orange]~[/color][/h3][img]https://lh5.googleusercontent.com/VBGko-CpFrEdYXCH1VQYtUgoN8ErHpHW02Mb3D_EKiP1jgduWVQfWoWabvJaSj1bK2ZT9fHAF0SDayWnqgtmBjve424FjIJ7evKJFbwMLz-Kg336wJ4[/img] [h3][color=FireBrick]"[/color][color=silver][i]Everyone's a tough guy, 'till you knock out a few teeth.[/i][/color][color=FireBrick]"[/color][/h3] [color=Orange]~[/color] Character Theme | [url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=i8mZmgDMLjk][color=FireBrick]Caffeine[/color][/url] [color=Orange]~[/color] [i][color=silver]Bullet is a rather bite sized bundle of fun, standing at around 5'5" and weighing about 63kg. He doesn't really have much of a presence build wise, but his body is quite strong. For his size and age, he's quite well built. His skin is covered in intricate tattoos that depict various magical runes. When he uses his magic, these glyphs react to his magic power by glowing. Other than the markings, he has very rough, calloused skin. He's almost always covered in cuts and bruises. He has piercing, red eyes and messy blonde hair. His bottom lip is pierced with a silver ring, and he has a a pair of these silver piercings on the end of his right eyebrow. He has a very laid back, casual way of dressing; juxtaposing with his fashionista best friend Isabella. He usually doesn't wear a shirt, since he thinks his tattoos make him look badass. He wears a pair of loose trousers with black slippers. A long, green robe is usually donned when he isn't fighting and he has a matching headband to keep his hair out of his face. All in all, Bullet looks as though he's just woken up most of the time.[/color][/i][/center][hr][b][u]Family Name[/u][/b] [i]Arc[/i] [u]Given Name(s)[/u] [i]Nico[/i] [u]Title or Alias(s)[/u] [i]Bullet, The Beast[/i] [u]Gender[/u] [i]Male[/i] [u]Sexuality[/u] [i]Bisexual[/i] [u]Age[/u] [i]19[/i] [u]Birthday[/u] [i]October 9th, Libra[/i] [b][u]Allignment[/u][/b] [i]Chaotic Neutral[/i] [u]Motivation[/u] [i]Protecting Isabella[/i] [u]Likes[/u][list] [*] [i]Watching Isabella perform[/i] [*] [i]Getting in a fight[/i] [*] [i]Sleeping[/i] [*] [i]Reading (mostly comics, but he enjoys some literature)[/i] [*] [i]Cooking[/i][/list][u]Dislikes[/u][list] [*] [i]Arrogance[/i] [*] [i]Loud people[/i] [*] [i]People making fun of his height[/i] [*] [i]Books with small font.[/i][/list] [b][u]Personality[/u][/b] [i][color=silver]There's a reason why Bullet is known as The Beast at Phooenix Wing, and it's certainly not because of his size. No, this pint sized mage has a tendency to have trouble with regulating the extent of his emotions. He gets worked up very easily and one moment he can be smiling and having fun, the next he'll be threatening to glass someone who gave him a wrong look. The only person who is able to really calm him down when he's mad is Isabella. He takes this anger to the battlefield, which has made him quite infamous alongside Isabella as an unstoppable juggernaut who throws himself into the fray without a second thought. His confidence and determination comes from his desire to be a part of the action. He does have a softer side and has been known to stick up for the little guy quite often. Where Isabella is concerned, he's crazy protective over her. He has feelings for her, but she is oblivious to this fact. He tends to get very jealous when other guys flirt with her and can often be quite moody because of it. In the end though, he just wants her to be happy since she's the first friend he's ever known. His aggressiveness is complemented well by Isabella's hyper activeness, and the pair are practically a walking talking riot whenever they enter the Guild Hall.[/color][/i] [b][u]Guild Allegiance[/u][/b] [i]Phoenix Wing[/i] [u]Guild Mark Location[/u] [i]Left side of his chest.[/i] [u]Team Members[/u] [i]Isabella Pinelli[/i] [u]Magic Level[/u] [i]A Rank[/i] [u]Strengths[/u][list] [*] [i]Very durable. Can take a lot of punishment.[/i] [*] [i]Exceptionally strong, almost to the point of being super human[/i] [*] [i]Unwavering in spirit and determination.[/i][/list][u]Weaknesses[/u][list] [*] [i]Isn't the most agile person[/i] [*] [i]Lacks tactical thinking and restraint[/i] [*] [i]Poor management of magic power; expends too much too quickly.[/i][/list] [b][u]Magic Specialty[/u][/b] [i]Bodily Enhancement and Requip: The Brawler[/i] [u]Description[/u] [i]Requip magic utilising various types of Fist Weapons for various effects. All of Bullet's weapons are designed and made by Isabella. As such, all of his weapons follow her unique naming convention and are based off of musical terminology. Additionally, the tattoos that cover him from head to toe act as a form of Rune Magic that was bestowed upon him by his father. When magic pulses through them, they activate, granting Bullet immense strength at the cost of draining his magic power. It's unclear what the true nature of these Runes are, but it is obvious that they have a very negative effect on Bullet's emotional state when overused.[/i] [Hider=Requip: The Brawler | Spells] [b][u]Fantasia[/u][/b] [i]Bullet's weapon of choice. Fantasia is a pair of Machina gauntlets that also act as powerful Magic Shotguns. Using his magic power, Bullet is able to blast magical rounds from the gauntlets with every punch. They lose power the further they travel, but up close it can really pack a punch. There is a lot of kick back to the weapons, but Bullet can use this to his advantage to make up for his lack of agility. By far one of his favorite of Isabella's designs.[/i] [indent][indent][list][*][u]Buckshot[/u] [i]A quick punch that unleashes a magical round that increases the impact and velocity of the attack. Little kick back compared to other attacks, but packs less of a punch because of it.[/i] [*][u]Gut Buster[/u] [i]A powerful low punch straight to the gut that unleashes a magical round into the target, sending them tumbling back a short distance. The impact also pushes Bullet away from his target.[/i] [*][u]Straight Flare[/u] [i]Fires a magical shotgun round with each punch, allowing the impact of each punch to travel a short distance in front of Bullet. Great tool for striking foes at a distance, but unfortunately is a lot easier to dodge than a regular punch.[/i] [*][u]50 Caliber Elbow[/u] [i]Strikes Bullet's target with his elbow, using the powerful kickback of Fantasia to increase the momentum of the attack.[/i] [*][u]Planet Crusher![/u] [i]A very heavy, powerful punch that sends both Bullet and his target flying from the immense impact. Collateral damage is to be expected.[/i][/list][/indent][/indent] [b][u]Cadenza[/u][/b] [i]A Machina gauntlet that sits on Bullet's right arm and acts as a grappling hook. Can be used to close the distance to an enemy or to escape. It's offensive power isn't great, but it helps to make up for Bullet's lack of agility. There is a lightning Lacrima embedded into the chain to allow for electricity to be channeled through the link.[/i] [indent][indent][list][*][u]Steel Lasso[/u] [i]Fires out the Cadenza grappling hook with a punch, aiming to latch onto a target. The hook can be retracted, or Bullet can reel himself in to his target.[/i] [*][u]Fist of Neptune[/u] [i]Charges Cadenza with power from the lightning lacrima, adding electricity to any attack made with the weapon. This can also be channeled through Cadenza's chains to shock targets at a greater distance.[/i][/list][/indent][/indent] [b][u]Spiccato[/u][/b] [i]A massive pair of Machina gauntlets, covered in gears, gauges and panels. These gauntlets are incredibly heavy, greatly restricting the movement of Bullet when in used. However, the specialty of these gauntlets is breaking through defenses and grappling attacks. The fingers of the gauntlets can be controlled freely, and are able to clamp shut so tightly that it would take immense power to free yourself from their grip. Because the gauntlets are so heavy, they rely on magical jets as well as Bullet's immense strength to attack. Their design is based off of Isabella's Maestoso.[/i] [indent][indent][list][*][u]Vault Breaker[/u] [i]A slow, jet powered punch that absolutely crushes defenses. Not the kind of attack you want to try and tank; it's far more efficient to simply dodge it.[/i] [*][u]Jet Lariat[/u] [i]Propels Bullet forward with Spiccato's Jets, delivering a powerful arm sweep to anything unfortunate to be caught in its wake. Has enough force to carry Bullet several meters, bringing along his victim with him before coming to a halt or crashing together.[/i] [*][u]Falling Star[/u] [i]Using Spiccato's Jets to move into position, Bullet attempts to grab an airborne target with Spiccato, then redirecting their momentum using the magic jets to send both Spiccato and the victim crashing to the ground. The attack is quite slow, and if it were to miss Bullet would be left vulnerable for a short time.[/i] [*][u]Asteroid Bomb![/u] [i]Uses Spiccato's jets to clamp both of the massive fists around an unsuspecting victim; keeping them in place. Redirects the jets to pick the victim up above Bullet's head and then redirects them once more to send them crashing back down to the ground with a massive power bomb.[/i][/list][/indent][/indent] [b][u]Unison Raid: Arpeggio![/u][/b] [i]A Unison Raid between Isabella and Bullet. Combining massive amounts of magic power, the two of them summon Arpeggio; a pair of large, Machina arms that despite their weight, are surprisingly easy for Bullet and Isabella to use. This is thanks to Isabella's "Machina Orchestra" magic which sustains these machines whilst Bullet uses his own strength and magic to control them. Arpeggio is Bullets strongest technique, and possibly even Isabella's. It does require both of them to use.[/i] [indent][indent][list][*][u]Arpeggio: Basso Continuo[/u] [i]The signature and ultimate attack of Arpeggio; requiring all of Bullets strength and a great deal of magic from both him and Isabella. Many magic powered jets open up along Arpeggio, and the two fists enter into a series of lightning fast strikes against their targets. The barrage can be sustained so long as there is Magic Power to fuel it, but when it ends Arpeggio always ends its performance with one great clap; pummeling those unfortunate to be caught within his applause. Using Basso Continuo will leave both Isabella and Bullet physically and magically drained.[/i][/list][/indent][/indent][/hider] [b][u]History[/u][/b] [i][color=silver]Bullet was just a regular, everyday street rat before he met Isabella. Or at least, that's what he likes to think. In truth there is much more to his past than meets the eye. He is reluctant to talk about it, only trusting Isabella with the intimate details of his wicked father and the atrocities he committed against Bullet and his family. Bullet's father was a man of magical innovation; a well respected wizard hailing from the Arc family. He had achieved many revolutionary feats with magic and his research was even praised by the Magic Council. Yet his desire to learn and grow was insatiable, and he often took his work home with him. In a way, Bullet was proud to call him his father. He worked hard and was respected. He just wished that he had more time for Bullet and his mother and sister. Eventually, he would come to regret this wish. Obsessed, his father sought to reach a new level of magical evolution. And what better guinea pigs were there than his own family? Bullet's older sister was the first one he experimented on. It was in secret, during the night when Bullet and his mother slept. Bullet can never be sure of the things that were done to his sister, but when he awoke the next morning the thing he saw in his sisters bed was not human. The creature was grotesque, with sickly green skin, red eyes, wild untamed hair. Her teeth were sharp, like a wolfs and her skin was covered in strange markings. She only knew how to speak in quiet whimpers; obviously in a lot of pain. Life proceeded as normal after his fathers 'failure' as he called it. He went back to his research, Bullet and his mother continued to go about their daily lives. Once a day, they would visit their sister up in her now heavily locked and secured room to feed her and talk to her. The monster wasn't a threat, and the glint in her eyes told Bullet that his sister still lived in their somewhere. They did their best to stay positive, but Bullet's mother grew sadder every time she laid eyes upon the monstrosity her husband had created. About three months after the incident, Bullet's mother took her own life. His father was furious, having spent months planning to use her for his next experiments. The wild look in his fathers eyes haunt his nightmares even to this day. It was clear that there was no humanity left in that man anymore. A month of living in fear later, Bullet was awoken from his sleep by his father. He cried, knowing what was to happen to him. Over powering the young boy, he was taken down to his fathers laboratory and strapped to a table to begin the experiments. He doesn't remember much about the process. All he knows is that when he woke, he was filled with an anger that wasn't his. He couldn't contain it, and he struggled against the restraints. His body was covered in the same markings of his sister and they burnt into his skin like hot irons. His father smiled at his successful experiment, muttering to himself about how the form was still imperfect and how he'd have to revise the technique thoroughly to attain the desired level of power. The idea of sitting through this mad man's experiments once again ignited a new found strength inside Bullet. He couldn't tell whether it was his own determination, or the strange power of the markings he'd been bestowed. Breaking free of his restraints, Bullet's anger overcame his body. The rest is a blur. He remembers his father's maniacal laugh, and blood. Lots of blood. When he came to, his father looked as disfigured as the monster he'd turned his sister into. Bullet approached his sister, holding one of the kitchen knives. The look in her eye wasn't one of fear, but of relief. Tears in his eyes, Bullet reluctantly put an end to his poor sisters suffering. The boy once known as Nico Arc, only son of the renowned Arc family, was now alone in the world. This was about the time he started calling himself Bullet; wanting to keep his identity a secret. The experiments had drastically changes his appearance, so no one recognised him as the son of the famous Arc wizard. With time, people began to suspect something was wrong in the Arc manor, and sent wizards to investigate. What they found was enough evidence to unveil the horrifying schemes of Bullet's father. By the time they arrived, Bullet was already long gone. With no where to go, Bullet lived on the streets. It was hard at first, but his strange appearance usually kept people from bothering him. He didn't want to be a thief, but when you have no other options you learn to adapt. He was never really good at being a thief, often receiving beatings for his crimes. That didn't really matter to him, so long as he stayed alive. Eventually, he came across a young girl walking alone at night. She was wearing very fancy clothing, and he thought that whatever was inside her purse would be enough to afford a decent meal. Quickly swiping her purse from her, he bolted away whilst trying to avoid eye contact. What he hadn't expected was the utter speed of the girl. She quickly caught up with him with such little effort it was scary. Cornered in an alleyway, the girl took her purse back. He felt guilty for taking it, but now he was left with no means of obtaining a meal. A few weeks passed and Bullet was involved in another fight after trying to steal a meal. The events that occurred are the same as told in Isabella's backstory. To summarize, Isabella came across Bullet being attacked and tried to intervene. Fearing that they would hurt her, Bullet's anger went out of control and he took down the group of thugs. From there, he and Isabella ran away together. It was such an odd feeling, being with her. She made him feel safe, and he wanted to make her feel the same way. They lived off the streets for a while. Isabella performed, and Bullet entered underground street fights to earn money. After a while, Bullet made the decision for them to join Phoenix Wing where the two trained and learnt to use magic. Isabella designed weapons for Bullet, and the two became the infamous 'Unstoppable Duo' of Phoenix Wing. Equipped with Isabella's Machina, and spirits intertwined, there is no challenge the two of them can't overcome.[/color][/i][/hider]