Whelp, I did it guys. I decided to bring along the magical [s]nightmare[/s] organization from Umineko. [hider=Consociationis de Magicae][center][url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DJA4hR7mr4U]♪ - Toki Wo Tabisuru Mono - ♪[/url] [img]http://t15.deviantart.net/hI3KSKdhD1RBiDmBN4YaLENgrTQ=/300x200/filters:fixed_height(100,100):origin()/pre02/21d9/th/pre/f/2012/099/f/a/umineko_wallapaer_by_schneetsurara-d4vkd6p.png[/img] [i]"There is no truth. The truth is made later on and overwrites what comes before it. Real truth doesn't exist anywhere. That is the miracle of all things, magic or not."[/i] [u][b]-Name-[/b][/u] Consociationis de Magicae [u][b]-Universe of Origin-[/b][/u] Multiversal/Umineko No Naku Koro Ni [u][b]-Capabilities-[/b][/u] Magic is their strongest attribute. While they do not have the appropriate forces to uphold their image, their raw power in magic is something to be wary of. Their magic may vary at times, whether it be their title or their adaptability to the different universes/kakeras around them. Among their magic users, they also have physical attacks that utilize magic into their actions. [u][b]-Objectives-[/b][/u] According to the changes to this association after the events of the Metaworld's 8th Gameboard Event, they aim to protect the very foundations of every single kakera. That is their only true goal. Otherwise, they are rather be a neutral force, not wanting to interfere with mutual affairs in each kakera unless asked upon. [u][b]-Members-[/b][/u] (Bolded means that this members will be more prominent, and will be seen more outside of their main base of operations, the Metaworld's Golden Land.) Beatrice, The Endless Witch (Founder/Gamemaster) Battler, The Endless Sorcerer (Gamemaster) Maria, Witch of Origins (Founder) ANGE-Beatrice, The Endless Witch, Witch of Truth, Witch of Resurrection Rinato/Lapis, Witch of Truth, Witch of Hope (OC) [i]Furniture/Servants[/i] Goat Butlers (everybody in the organization can control these) Seven Stakes of Purgatory (controlled by [b]Battler[/b], [b]Beatrice[/b], and [b]ANGE-Beatrice[/b]) Sakutarou (controlled by Maria) Illusion Kakeras and Kakera Shards (controlled by [b]Rinato/Lapis[/b]) [u][b]-History-[/b][/u] Ever since the conclusion of the 8th game within the Metaworld's Gameboard, the various Metaworld individuals that were involved in the conflict, including the single person responsible for these game hijackings, Bernkastel, made a permanent truce to ensure that the various kakeras were not tampered with by outside forces.[/center][/hider]