"Come on, Conner, we're almost there!" Kimberly yelled back cheerfully as she ran towards the mountain. Conner was panting rather heavily as he walked, yelling back, "Slow down! You know.... I can't run... as fast as you." It was one of the few things he was jealous about her. Despite being older than her, it was Kiimberly who was faster and stronger than he was, while he had no such advantages. Eventually the two managed to reach the base of the mountain, where there was an entrance to Mt. Justice, which was apparently a base for Young Justice members like themselves. Kimberly took the time to gaze at the entrance, fascinated by the sight, while Conner used that time to turn around and survey the area around them. Things felt peaceful and calm, what with the forest noises and all. "How do we get in?" Kimberly asked, confused.