[b]MIchael[/b] [@Silver Fox] Perhaps Prince would be surprised on the effect the alcohol had on Michael, for he shouldn't have gulped it, especially not on an empty stomach. When had he eaten last? Michael found that he couldn't remember. He drank the next glass slower, but was still drinking it faster then he should, his thoughts suddenly distracted, as a small band, entertainment the hotel provided, began to play. How did you know when Alcohol began to work? Did you feel anything? Or was it simply the absence of feeling? What was the lure of alcohol, besides the taste? Did the alcohol simply lower inhibitions? Could it make you do things you wanted to do, but didn't have the courage to do? what was the lure of it? He looked to Prince, and smiled, almost sloppily. He leaned slightly in his chair, still drinking the second drink, for now at least. [color=00a651]"I want to dance"[/color]