Peggy Little was sitting by the decrepit windows of the old abandoned church, watching over the peaceful night city. The occasional city noise harmoniously blended with Chopin's Larghetto, in B flat minor. She found this old beat-up phonograph when she moved in, a gramophone record of Chopin's Complete Nocturnes was still attached to it. Ever since she had been playing it in a loop, although some parts are broken and stuttering, it brought her ease and comfort after a hard days work. She internally hummed to the familiar melody, while Marina and Donatello comfortably snuggled at her feet and Devendra and Machismo sat over her reclined legs. Little Dorian Grey is soundly sleeping on her arms, the newest member of the family. If she were to help the needy, her long list includes giving homes to abandoned animals. As she listens, she could not help but remember, the embedded memories of a scientist who also once fancied the classics. The same man who was so close to destroying the Justice League and quietly gone his way to do what he thought was best for everyone. A new beginning where no heroes, or villains fight for control and a dream he wished to fulfill where no one hovers over the other but himself, until that is, his only daughter had passed away. Then she remembered Grace, not from his point of view but from her own. Her programming still longed to protect her even after her death and a sense of emptiness lingered together with regret for the last couple of months since her death. Her trance was disturbed by a signal from a radio. A petty robbery, just a couple of blocks from where she is. She carefully stood up, trying not to disturb her furry friends and unzipped the duffle bag that contained her suit at the foot of her window bed. She wore her costume, nothing too fancy, with its purpose to only conceal her identity. The music from the phonograph faded to end, as she jumped off the window sill, and into the rooftops. Turns out that it was not just some petty robbery at a local store, but a group of superpowered criminals has also taken hostage a few bystanders. She managed to put down a few, although still overwhelmed at 5 to 1. As she was about to slash one of the guys, a pair of heroes came to aid her just in time. After the job was done, one of the heroes, Kidflash, the other one being Miss Martian, complimented her skills and extended her an invitation to the young justice. If it means helping more people, then it was enough motivation for Peggy to join. After prepping herself, leaving her friends to the company of a nice old lady who was glad to keep the kittens, she trekked to Mt. Justice. As she arrived at the destination, she saw two people [@Scarifar] standing by the entrance door. She casually walked next to them, gazing at the metal doors. She awkwardly leaned her ear on the cool surface, as if to listen to whatever;s on the otherside.