The rage was building inside her. It felt like hours she had been there, fighting these monsters. But this is what she was made for, this was her purpose. She had to believe that, otherwise... [Center]--BOOM--[/center] An explosion hit. Their small, rallied group had become lost in the pile of rubble, Madelyn included. It was hard to breathe as rock pushed it's weight upon you. A large one pinned her left leg, but the rest were intercepted by debris that cluttered the ground - dead bodies, wooden planks courtesy of other explostions, the entire town in bits and pieces. Ironic enough, it saved her from being crushed to death by the latest explosion. A rock flew from the pile, as if something from inside the rubble had popped a cork top from a bottle. Or someone rather. She was very weak, bloodied all over, but somehow managed to remove herself from deaths grasp. Her vision was still a bit hazy, but she thought she saw someone ... alive ... running towards... the woods. She blinked a few times, attempting to release the blur from her vision. It was the same man who rallied them! She tried to call for him, but it seemed she wasn't strong enough for that just yet. She was tired, her body was sore all over, except the parts that screamed with pain. There was still a ringing in her ears from the explosion, so loud that she could barely hear her own coarse voice as she tried to call for the man. [Color=#8FBC8F][i]Coward [/i][/color], was the first thought to come to mind. But as she looked around her, she understood why he left. And either she followed suit, or followed the path to death. What did anger her though was he left them all there, assumed they had all perished, didn't even come to check. It took her a bit, but she pushed her way out from beneath the rubble. She used whatever strength she had left in her, which wasn't much, but it seemed to do the trick. She needed to make it out.[Color=#8FBC8F][i] I can't die here, not like this [/i][/color], it was the only thought that occupied her mind, propelling her body forward. She recalled a village not far. By the time she made her way to the safety of the trees, survival was all she thought about. She had regained some of her strength back, but she feared it wouldn't be enough to get her to the village. Just then another boom shook the earth, and light soared into the sky, exploding over Starguard. She needed to quicken her steps, and hold on just a bit longer. She made it to the main gates of the village not long after Lloyd. But her strength finally gave way, she collapsed on the ground. Her knotted, ragged blonde hair streaked with blood and dirt. The light armor that she wore was dented and tore in many places. Most of the blood that covered her wasn't even her own, but it so thickly coated her, one wouldn't know that just by looking at her. The injuries that she did sustain were minor, save for the leg that was pinned to the floor when the explosion hit earlier. She made it all this way with a limp. Dying didn't seem to be in her repertoire. Perhaps it was sheer will that got her this far. Whatever it was, it had just given out. "We could use some help over here! Any one of you a healer?!" the militiaman called out. He managed to catch Maddy just before she hit the ground.