[center][img]http://i.imgur.com/MzmOswe.png?1[/img] [i][color=a2d39c]Louisa Balban[/color][/i] [/center] [hr] [b][i][u]A day ago Louisa's apartment, New York[/u][/i][/b] Louisa counted what money she had left on an old and partially broken wooden table. Some secret agent looking fellows had come a few days before to pick up her stuff and take it to the Young Justice headquarters. She would have probably preferred to have transported the items herself, and was now paranoid that either the agents had gone through her stuff or that they had stolen money from her. Nevertheless, she'd have to continue on, it was about a four hour drive to Mount Justice and she was quickly losing daylight. She made her way out of her apartment and onto the busy streets of Times Square. Now to find some sort of transportation. She spent the next hour looking for some sort of car rental place, as much as she'd have [i]loved[/i] to cycle she could really not be bothered doing it. Luckily, she found an old banged up moped for sale just outside a sandwich shop. Some 20 minutes later and she was rapidly speeding down highway after highway on her quest to Mount Justice. The old bike had a few scratches and bumps here and there for sure, but it was running like a dream. She'd stay in some hostel or something tonight, and get up early for once to scope out Mount Justice. [hr] [b][i][u]Present Day Mount Justice[/u][/i][/b] Louisa watched as more and more people began gathering at the base of Mount Justice. She was currently sitting on a large branch on a towering tree, fiddling with her suspenders before eventually giving up and letting them hang loose at her sides. Eventually she decided it would be good to get the 'team' talking, seeing as a new girl had just arrived and not said a word to the other two. She jumped down from the tree, landing in a crouched position before standing up to her full height. She walked over to them, her gloved hands fitted securely in her pockets. For once in her life she was taller than a group of people, something which filled her with a joy that she wouldn't yet show. The two that had arrived together looked considerably younger than, Louisa, but the most recent addition to the group seemed to be around the same age group. [color=a2d39c]"I'm not sure you'll be able to hear through all that steel, friend"[/color] She spoke, her accent coming through as obvious as a monster truck at a funeral procession. [color=a2d39c]"I know this might sound stupid, but have you tried knocking?"[/color] She asked, moving up to the large steel doors and knocking a few times before turning and leaning against the doors. [color=a2d39c]"I'm, Louisa by the way, I presume you guys are here for the [i]Young Justice[/i] thing?"[/color]